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stub for E-infinity algebra
I talked to Chris Rogers today and I wound up trying to remember an amazing result by Mandell. I’ve added it to
That paper is published. I fixed the link and added the publication data.
What is the reference that defines an E-infinity algebra structure on simplicial cochains C*(X,Z) of a simplicial set X?
The article claims its existence, but does not give a reference.
To be clear: such a structure can of course be quickly constructed using abstract machinery, but I am looking for a concrete description, with explicitly written down operations etc.
Thanks a lot, this is exactly what I was looking for. They do not seem to use anything specific to singular cochains; the operations involved generalize the cup product and Steenrod’s cup-i products, and are naturally defined for simplicial cochains.
I added a description of their work to the main article.
Also discussed by Tyler Lawson here: https://mathoverflow.net/questions/280627/is-the-e-infty-structure-on-the-cochain-complex-of-a-kg-n-readily-underst/281697#281697
Should the contents of commutative monoid in a symmetric monoidal (infinity,1)-category be merged into this page?
(that other page doesn’t even have a ’discuss’ page)
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