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Vanilla 1.1.10 is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.
I worked a bit on bringing the list of structures present in a cohesive (oo,1)-topos into shape, expanding it and filling in details. See the table of contents at cohesive (infinity,1)-topos.
have posted on the Café about this: here
Probably this question originates in a clash of terminology: there is the concept of codiscrete groupoid and there is the concept of codiscrete object in cohesion. Applied to cohesive groupoid objects, these concepts are orthogonal to each other: the first refers to homotopy-theoretic codiscreneteness, the second to geometric codiscreteness.
If you think of the first variant, then the answer to your question is “yes”, by definition. If however you think of the second variant then the question does not really apply, or if one takes it literally then the answer is “no”.
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