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stub for singular homology (finally)
Added a little bit of substance to singular homology.
I have expanded a bit the Definition-section at singular homology .
opened at singular homology a section Properties – Relation to homotopy groups.
So far there is only a pointer there to Hurewicz theorem and that still needs to be accompanied by some comments.
Hopefully to be expanded…
okay, I have added the statements of all the Hurewicz stuff here
at singular homology I opened a subsection Basic examples illustrating some basic boundaries.
at singular homology I have
made push-forward of singular simplices and functoriality of the singular complex C•(−) manifest in the Definition-section;
stated in the Properties-section more explicitly that C•(−) sends weak homotopy equivalences to quasi-isomorphisms.
brief remark at Relation to relative homology
paragraph on Examples – Homology of disks and Spheres
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