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stub for irreducible polynomial
I never heard of “identity polynomial”, especially in this context. Polynomial can be an identity from the ground ring, but it seems you mean in this definition a UNIT polynomial. While it is logical to say identity polynomial for polynomial which is equal to the constant identity in the ground ring/field and it is standard to say unit polynomial to mean the polynomial which is UNIT in the ground ring (hence in the polynomial ring as well) it is not logical to say identity polynomial for an arbitrary unit in the ground ring embedded as a polynomial. A unit in a ring is any invertible element in the ring. This is very different from more special concept of the identity (“the unit element”) element.
Agreed, Zoran. I’m fixing it.
Whoops, I think that was me. I meant unit in the sense of the identity (i.e. a unital ring…)
Then you likely overlooked the possibility to factorize a number.
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