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I think JB used to stay on top of this and delete such comments, but the nCafe currently has 2 questionable recently new entries:
1) This crackpot entry.
2) This entry with the only purpose being to include a url to “cures for candida”.
The 2nd should be deleted and probably the 1st unless crackpots are kept for amusement purposes.
Who has the privileges to delete such these days?
Who has the privileges to delete such these days?
All Café hosts have the same privileges to edit everything and always had. And we all do and did try to look after spam and related, as far as I am aware.
I have removed the two comments you pointed out.
Quite a lot of n-Café spam accumulating. Leaving it alone encourages more which diminishes the usefulness of the Café, so can one of the ‘hosts’ do a bit of cleaning, please! ;-)
( Later: someone has. Thanks.)
A repeat of some old spam on the Café.
There are at least 6 pieces of spam posted today one the Café. (See Hector and then look at other comments from today (Nov 1)).
10 in fact. All deleted now. Thanks.
A pair of spam comments here at the n-café.
More spam at the cafe, here
Once again, Spam at the café, here, latest addition.
Someone has put something on the texnical_issues section of the Café, the result of which is that any of the links there give the following.
XML Parsing Error: prefix not bound to a namespace Location: https://golem.ph.utexas.edu/category/2006/09/texnical_issues.html#c051639 Line Number 1913, Column 7:
There is then an html line (copied here but not showing).
<linearGradient id="squ2" x1="0" y1="0" x2="1" y2="-.6" xlink:href="#squ1" />
is the bit that that’s not showing in Tim’s #10.
Spam at Light Mills in the café.
Probable spam at ’The Two Cultures of Mathematics’ in the café. The ’author’ gives the name ’sames Review’ and that is the sole content of the post, but that is as a link.
Thanks. Removed now.
Spam in the café at HoTT at JMM. The authors name is charlibilson
Removed. Thanks.
Again Spam in the Café. Flipkart cashback….. at Mathematical Images.
Deleted. Thanks.
A lot of spam in the thread ‘Letter from Grothendieck’, at least 6 entries.
Two spam comments at https://golem.ph.utexas.edu/category/2009/09/nlab_migration_done.html (the two most recent: April 8 last year and Feb 2)
New spam at https://golem.ph.utexas.edu/category/2008/07/light_mills.html#c057355
Deleted. Thanks.
New spam at https://golem.ph.utexas.edu/category/2008/03/some_puzzles.html#c057905 It looks to be a Bulgarian advert for printer toner!
Thanks. We’ve had a few from there.
New spam at https://golem.ph.utexas.edu/category/2008/03/some_puzzles.html#c015603. Again it looks to be Bulgarian.
Thanks. Persistent aren’t they.
is a rather incoherent comment seemingly by a high school math teacher but links to a Turkish, not Bulgarian, health and beauty site.
I wondered about that but it would take quite a bit of research to find such a suitable thread given the subject matter of Lakatos’s Proofs and Refutations.
New Spam at the Café. Under the modular flow… there are two new posts, one labelled ‘real’ which I have not looked at and one with SEO in the title. (and the spammer can’t spell!)
Thanks. Removed.
New entry at the café: Thanks for sharing such a valuable content. Please bring more content for us. Please Visit my site for checking knowledge.
i.e. this is litter heading towards Spam. The entry is in the Crossed Homomorphism discussion.
Spam in the café: https://golem.ph.utexas.edu/category/2008/07/light_mills.html#comments.
What is it about that post? Can we shut down comments on it? The potential for someone to come along 12 years later and give a comment that outweighs all the spam that’s received over the years seems very slight.
Deleted, thanks.
Light Mills spammed three times this morning!
(Edit : some time later, two other spam items have been added. They look like old ‘friends’!!)
New spam : https://golem.ph.utexas.edu/category/2006/09/texnical_issues.html#c056844 from today. One obviously spam and two that look like ’wise guys’ trying to post for fun! These are the last three in the chron listing.
Why it matters? has a suspect entry. The ‘author’ is situs idn poker, and it is the second time the post has appeared. Yesterday I thought it had been removed but this morning it has reappeared.
New spam: Stock market trading apps in India here.
Slightly suspect entry in the café: It just says:
Important Gyan
Its very useful and Quality article. Thanks a lot. all will enjoy and require knowledge.
‘Advertising’ spam on the Café at Jobs at Riverside zee, but also the next entry from [diana], which sends you to a Pakistani site.
More spam at the Light Mills post.
I think after all this time it might be an idea to close comments on that thread, since it seems to be a particularly strong magnet for spam, and it’s not like it is attracting thoughtful and meaningful contributions.
Probable spam at Why it matters.
Spam at TWF285
There is a spurious entry here. It is signed ’assignment writing service’!
Probable new spam in the Post ‘Why it matters?’
its very nice informative post https://sites.google.com/view/godhand/agen-togel-terpercaya Posted by: Bandar Togel Online on July 17, 2021 6:44 AM
Deleted now. Thanks.
New spam in the Café. Three copies of the same text here, posted 16 August 2021.
More spam in the Café
Seems to be Spam at ‘Why it matters’. The person who posts under that name (paragon….) seems to be a spammer. Note there are two such posts.
New spam on the Café ar ‘Re: Integral Octonions (Part 11)’ and then repeated below under another heading.
Probable spam at Why it matters' signed by
New spam at ’Why it matters?’.
Yet more at ‘From Set Theory to Type Theory’ advertising some journals.
Suspected advertising for a journal, therefore Spam, here
Possible spam here
New spam here. This is an advert for a game!
Strange post, here on the Café. The link for the ‘poster’, Emily Parker, gives an advertisement.
New suspect post here.
New spam here.
I had removed the spam. Thanks, Tim.
Spam here. The name yash connects to a page selling solar panels in Brisbane!!!
Spam here. Two items.
Thanks, Tim. All 4 items deleted.
Incidentally, it is not clear to me that the nForum should host this noise which is caused by another site. Please consider having this activity at an appropriate place.
Removed now. I should see if the nCafe can think of an alert mechanism.
Well, there is the feed of all comments posted to the n-Category Café (https://golem.ph.utexas.edu/category/comments.atom). The daily comment volume is pretty low (~0) and the volume of spam posts is lower, so I guess that should work for now?
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