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I want to fix and harmonize some terminology and nLab-entry titles and want to ask you all for your tastes and opinions.
Now that I am more or less through with polishing Part I, Introduction and Part II, General abstract theory for differential cohomology in cohesive ∞-toposes, I am about to turn to polishing Part III: Models . For the time being this is supposed to consist of discussion of the three examples induced by the three ∞-cohesive pregeometries CartSpTop, CartSpsmooth and ThCartSp.
(By the way, recently sombody indicated to me that it is a shame that not more than these three sites and their induced geometry enjoy that much coverage on the nLab. I fully agree, but here is a limit to the hours in a day. Hopefully some day we’ll have more on other geometries, too.)
I had started out calling the objects in the cohesive ∞-topos over CartSp “∞-Lie groupoids”. This had always been met with understandable reservation, since these 1-truncated such gadgets can be considerbaly more general than what is strictly speaking called a Lie groupoid . I had always thought and argued as follows, though: What matters is not the traditional notion of Lie groupoid , what matters is Lie theory . To make Lie theory come out fully nicely, standard Lie groupoids are too restrictive. But the cohesive ∞-topos over CartSp seems to admit fully fledged generalized Lie theory So therefore it should be named after Lie.
I still think that makes sense. On the other hand, in the same vein I had at one point titled the entry about the cohesive ∞-topos over CartSpTop topological infinity-groupoids (so far a stub!). That, too, led to some opposition. Notably Mike had complained about it.
I understand all these complaints. But any terminology is always going to conflict with some other terminology, so it’s not a matter of true of false, but of taste.
Still, I may have changed my mind now. My taste now is that I would like to have terminology follow the template “cohesive ∞-groupoid” by replacing “cohesive” with the respective notion of cohesiveness . And the “cohesive structure” that characterizes Lie groupoids is not “Lie structure” but “smooth structure”. So now I am inclined to rename that entry into “smooth infty-groupoid” . The cohesive structure encoded by ThCartS I thought might well be called “synthetic differential structure” (If you see what I mean. But what do you think?). What about the case CartSptop (Cartesian spaces with continuous maps between them)? How about continuous ∞-groupoids ?
That’s what I am curently tending towards:
Any opinions?
Also the term “discrete ∞-groupoid” (for a plain ∞-groupoid emphasing that any other cohesive structure that might be in the game is being disregarded) would fit in nicely. This is cohesive for the discrete cohesive structure.
(By the way, recently sombody indicated to me that it is a shame that not more than these three sites and their induced geometry enjoy that much coverage on the nLab. I fully agree, but here is a limit to the hours in a day. Hopefully some day we’ll have more on other geometries, too.)
Does that mean they have more examples to add here? I saw your call for more examples had no response.
Examples for ∞-cohesive sites are still not abundant. But what I meant was that there are many other sites that large parts of the mathematical community care about (notably all variants of fppf site, etale site, etc.) whose nLab treatment currently in no way reflects their relevance in the mathematical community, cohesive or not.
Meanwhile, I have come to think that the route to more examples for cohesive ∞-toposes is slicing: for H a cohesive ∞-topos and X∈H geometrically contractible (Π(X)≃*) and small-projectve, the slice H/X is at least locally and globally ∞-connected and local. (I am not yet sure about strong ∞-connectedness, i.e. ΠX preserving products).
I am thinking that to do cohesive derived geometry one ought to find a small-projective geometrically contractible ∞-stack X “of ∞-functions”. For the smooth case something like a stack X:U↦{simplicialC∞ringsoverC∞(U)}. Then an object in H/X would be a smooth ∞-groupoid equipped with a structure sheaf of ∞-functions. And if X could be tuned to be geometrically contractible and small-projective (not sure yet) then this slice topos would seem to be a decent candidate for derived smooth cohesive structure.
Does this freedom in choice of “cohesive structure” give you a hint about the fiber interconnectedness which did not quite work in general in the Lie integration of higher Lie groupoids, for which you once created a mini-preprint “refined Lie integration” ?
Also the term “discrete ∞-groupoid” would fit in nicely.
This can be ambiguous, since it conflicts with discrete groupoid and (inasmuch as ∞-groupoids are spaces) discrete space. (In fact, these are the same kind of discreteness.)
For Lie groupoids in particular, I’ve already learnt to distinguish ‘categorially discrete’ (the discreteness in my paragraph above) from ‘topologically discrete’ (the discreteness that you’re referring to). So you should be able to use ‘discrete ∞-groupoid’, clarifying as ‘topologically discrete ∞-groupoid’ when necessary. (I see that this is already discussed at discrete category.) On the other hand, inasmuch as ∞-groupoids are spaces, even ‘topologically discrete’ could be ambiguous in that case.
All to say that while ‘discrete ∞-groupoid’ is certainly the correct term for this, one has to be careful.
Yes, that’s another clash of terminology. There are inevitably such clashes.
But I have come to think that “categorically discrete groupoid” is best avoided in favor of 0-truncated groupoid. That is much more useful terminology, I think.
So in the terminology that I prefer we have the following:
smooth ∞-groupoid that is a) 0-truncated and b) concrete ≃ a diffeological space;
smooth ∞-groupoid that is a) 0-truncated and b) discrete ≃ a set
smooth ∞-groupoid that is a) 1-truncated and b) concrete ≃ a diffeological groupoid
smooth ∞-groupoid that is a) 1-truncated and b) discrete ≃ a groupoid
and so on
Good point, although a lot of 0-level terms have their own historical synonyms, and ‘discrete’ is just the one for ‘0-truncated’. So I use both, but no objection to taking the topological version as default in this context.
Does this freedom in choice of “cohesive structure” give you a hint about the fiber interconnectedness which did not quite work in general in the Lie integration of higher Lie groupoids
In a way. I think this is handled by passing to cohesive over-toposes.
In a cohesive ∞-topos there is abstract Lie theory for ∞-Lie algebras. To get the Lie theory for the ∞-Lie algebroids I think one needs to slice suitably over their base.
To make this more concret, consider the cohesive ∞-topos for smooth ∞-groupoids. For G a Lie group, we find
♭dRBG=Ω1flat(−,𝔤),where on the right we have the sheaf of sets of flat 𝔤-valued forms.
The general abstract theory says that the Lie integration of 𝔤 is
expLieBG=ΠdRΩ1flat(−).Now ΠdRX is defined to be the homotopy pushout
X→*↓↓ΠX→ΠdRX.Using the injective model structure, we may present this by the ordinary cokernel of the cofibration
Ω1flat(−,𝔤)→Ω1fllat((−)×Δ•,𝔤),where on the right we have the path ∞-groupoid of the sheaf of forms in its concrete presentation by singular simplices. That’s the crucial point here: on the right we have the simplicial presheaf that in degree k has flat 1-forms on (−)×Δk.
That’s the ∞-groupoid whose objects are flat 1-forms, 1-morphisms are paths of infinitesimal gauge transformations, 2-morphisms are paths of such paths, and so on.
The pushout identifies all the objects, i.e. forgets which 1-forms the gauge transformations act on. The result is indeed exp(𝔤) as described at Lie integration.
The point of this is that
first we have forms on (−)×Δk with no restriction;
then we kill of those forms with “legs” just along the (−)-direction.
For ∞-Lie algebras this gives the expected result. For ∞-Lie algebroids its more subtle.
How about ’bare ∞-groupoid for the topologically discrete version? This is what it truly is, because it is an ∞-groupoid with no other structure/cohesiveness.
I’m mostly okay with “smooth ∞-groupoid” and “synthetic-differential ∞-groupoid,” but not with “continuous” for something that’s restricted to being modeled on cartesian spaces. Something like “topological-manifold ∞-groupoid” (although that is cumbersome) would be more accurate. I would expect “continuous” or “topological” to refer to something modeled on a site of all topological spaces, not just cartesian spaces.
@Mike 11 hear hear.
How about ’bare ∞-groupoid for the topologically discrete version?
That’s a possibility. I say "bare ∞-groupoid" a lot in expository text. i have mentioned this as an alternative at discrete infinity-groupoid now
not with "continuous" for something that’s restricted to being modeled on cartesian spaces. Something like "topological-manifold ∞-groupoid" (although that is cumbersome) would be more accurate.
Okay, I see what you mean. Maybe "manifold" is a bit awkward here but the term should refer to the specific topology of Euclidean spaces. What’s that usually called? Euclidean topology I suppose?
So how about Euclidean ∞-groupoid ? Or Euclidean continuous ∞-groupoid ? Or Euclidean topological ∞-groupoid ? An ∞-groupoid with Euclidean continuous cohesive structure ?
re #6: I have edited and expanded discrete groupoid a bit more
I’m okay with any of those “Euclidean” variants.
The term “Euclidean” does not suggest the category Top (as opposed to Diff, etc) to me. If anything, I would guess the category of Euclidean spaces and their manifolds, that is the one whose morphisms are distance-decreasing affine maps, on the grounds that historically these (or rather the invertible such) are the ones that Euclid recognised as preserving all structure (congruences in the sense of elementary geometry).
On the other hand, “Euclidean continuous” and “Euclidean topological” are clear; now I know what the morphisms are. However, one could with equal justification say “Cartesian continuous”; Cartesian spaces come with even more structure than Euclidean spaces, but it doesn’t matter how much structure we start with when the second term cuts most of it away.
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