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Mike reminds me that the traditional meaning of “n-connected” in topology (see Wikipedia, for example) is such that a 1-connected space is simply connected. I had earlier suggested that we might subtly change “n-connected” to “n-simply connected” to improve this; see k-simply connected n-category, for example.
However, this doesn’t match the usage at locally n-connected (n,1)-topos. In particular, the list there jumps from a “locally connected space” to a “locally 2-connected space” without catching the intervening “locally simply connected space”. So I have renumbered things and moved the page to locally n-connected (n+1,1)-topos.
Now here are some questions:
I wrote:
Note that the correspondence here is that an n-category is an object of an (n+1)-topos just as much as that an n-topos is a kind of n-category
Actually, the latter correspondence doesn’t apply at all. We’re looking at arbitrary functors of n-categories but only geometric morphisms of n-toposes (which also go the other way). For example, an n-category is (−1)-connected (or inhabited) iff it has at least one object, or iff (classically) it’s not the empty n-category (which is initial under arbitrary functors), while an n-topos always has an object; however, an n-topos is (−1)-connected (or positive) iff (classically) it has at least two objects, or iff (classically) it’s not the one-object n-topos (which is initial under geometric morphisms).
not sure what I can say, there is a slight mess of terminology and its hard to impossible to enforce a standard on the nLab. I think the best we can do is have all variants and pitfalls discussed nicely on the relevant pages.
If I understand correctly, you are suggesting to say “n-simply connected” instead of “n-connected” to make the counting match the default for n=1 instead of n=0. Right?
While I see the logic, that looks cumbersome to me. i’d rather say “1-connected” for “simply connected”.
The use of “n-connective” for “vanishing homotopy groups below degree n” has some advantages. One is that it is less standard and hence lends itself better to a systematic definition for all n, while the standard terminology with “connected” and”simply-connected” will always suffer from a counting ambiguity.
Not sure what we should do.
If I understand correctly, you are suggesting to say “n-simply connected” instead of “n-connected” to make the counting match the default for n=1 instead of n=0. Right?
Right. But then one can decide to abbreviate “n-simply connected” as “n-connected” afterwards. I would have found things less confusing if I saw the longer term first and was taught the latter as an abbreviation.
On the other hand, the numbering of “n-connective” is more sensible anyway. Only the actual word is funny.
Unfortunately, “n-connective” also violates the rule of “a foo is a 1-foo”: classically a “connective spectrum” is one with vanishing negative homotopy groups, i.e. what (it sounds like) Lurie would call “0-connective”. But it does seem less likely to cause confusion.
Do the numbers have to match at all?
While you’re right that being locally k-connective as an (n,1)-topos has nothing to do with being k-whatever-connected as an (n,1)-category, there should certainly be a way to define “locally k-connective (n,1)-topos”, or even an (n,1)-geometric morphism, which makes sense for arbitrary k and n. The definition is just simplest when k = n. If k > n, we can define an (n,1)-topos to be k-connective if the (k,1)-topos of k-sheaves on it is so. And if k < n, we can define an (n,1)-topos to be k-connective if its k-localic reflection, regarded as a (k,1)-topos, is k-connective.
The latter condition ought to be equivalent to various other characterizations, such as are known in the classical case k=0, n=1 of “open 1-topos.” For instance, a 1-geometric morphism is open (= locally 0-connective) if its inverse image part is a Heyting functor, i.e. it preserves dependent products of 0-truncated objects. So one might expect an n-geometric morphism to be locally k-connected, for k<n, if its inverse image part preserves dependent products of k-truncated objects.
Unfortunately, “n-connective” also violates the rule of “a foo is a 1-foo”
Drats, I hoped that Lurie had just invented that as a synonym for “connected”; I didn’t think of connective spectra.
So one might expect an n-geometric morphism to be locally k-truncated, for k<n, if its inverse image part preserves dependent products of k-truncated objects.
You mean that the n-geometric morphism is expected to be locally k-connected here. (Also, this and the analogous “if” are “iff”, right?)
Yes, “truncated” is fixed now, thanks. And yes, I was using “if” in the definitional (i.e. “iff”) sense.
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