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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorHarry Gindi
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2011
    • (edited Jan 23rd 2011)

    Reposted from Math Overflow


    Let V=sSetV=sSet with its cartesian monoidal structure.

    Let f:CD opf:C\to D^{op} be a VV-functor, and let π:CC\pi:C\to C' be another VV-functor. Let pDp\in D be an object, and let h p:=D(,p):D opVh^p:=D(-,p):D^{op}\to V.

    Let π !\pi_! be the left adjoint of the pullback VV-functor π *:V CV C\pi^*:V^{C'}\to V^C induced by π\pi (That is to say, for a V-functor h:CVh:C'\to V, the functor π !(h)\pi_!(h) is the left Kan extension of hh along π\pi).

    Then g:=h pfg:=h^p\circ f is a functor CVC\to V.


    Why is the following true:

    In terms of the pushout diagram

    D:=colim(C opC opD)D':=colim(C'^{op}\leftarrow C^{op}\rightarrow D)

    where ι 1:C opD\iota_1:C'^{op}\to D' and ι 2:DD\iota_2:D\to D' are the canonical injections:

    We have an isomorphism of VV-functors CVC'\to V

    π !(g)()D(ι 1 op(),ι 2(p)).\pi_!(g)(-)\cong D'(\iota_1^{op}(-),\iota_2(p)).


    I think we can do something like this:

    We have a diagram

    C f D op h p V π ι 2 op C ι 1 op D op\begin{matrix} C&\overset{f}{\to} &D^{op}&\overset{h^p}{\to}& V\\ \downarrow^\pi&&\downarrow^{\iota^{op}_2}\\ C'&\underset{\iota^{op}_1}{\to}&D'^{op} \end{matrix}

    Then we take the left Kan extension of h ph^p by ι 2 op\iota^{op}_2, but by one of the many variations of Yoneda’s lemma (computing via coends, this follows from Yoneda reduction), this is exactly D(,ι 2(p))D'(-,\iota_2(p)).

    Then it’s enough to show that the composite

    k:=D(,ι 2(p))ι 1 op=D(ι 1 op(),ι 2 op(p))k:=D'(-,\iota_2(p))\circ \iota^{op}_1=D'(\iota^{op}_1(-),\iota^{op}_2(p))

    (with the natural map gkπg\to k\pi) has the required universal property, that is, that it is initial among fillers of the Kan extension diagram:

    C g V π C \begin{matrix} C&\overset{g}{\to} & V&\\ \downarrow^\pi&&\\ C'&& \end{matrix}

    which is where I’m not sure how to proceed.

    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorHarry Gindi
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2011
    • (edited Jan 23rd 2011)

    I just noticed that this is closely related to the calculus of exact squares and mates.

    I bet that there’s some theorem that proves that pushout squares in VV-Cat are exact, since my question is equivalent to:

    Is the natural Beck-Chevalley transformation π !f *ι 1 *(ι 2) !\pi_!f^*\to \iota_1^* (\iota_2)_! an isomorphism?

    • CommentRowNumber3.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2011

    Well, arbitrary pushout squares aren’t exact even when V=Set. Consider the pushout of discrete categories 1←2→1, which is 1. I don’t think you can fix that by taking homotopy pushouts either. But cocomma squares are, I believe, always exact for any V, although I could be misremembering.

    • CommentRowNumber4.
    • CommentAuthorHarry Gindi
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2011
    • (edited Jan 23rd 2011)

    Ah, thanks! You’re right. My original question was too generalized from the original source (therefore false). I e-mailed Lurie, and the answer hinges on some additional information (i.e. that the point p in my first post is a weak strict sink (or whatever the right term is) in the following sense: D(p,p)=Δ 0D(p,p)=\Delta^0 and D(p,x)=D(p,x)=\emptyset for all xpx\neq p (description is evil, but the point pp is adjoined formally in a strict way as well (up to equality)).