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I am wondering about the following question, which possibly just demonstrates my ignorance:
let 𝔤 be a Lie algebra and {⟨−⟩i}i a set of indecomposable invariant polynomials. Let A be a 𝔤-valued differential form on an open ball/Cartesian space U. Write ⟨FA⟩i for its curvature characteristic forms, induced by the chose invariant polynomials.
Then let {Ci}i be any extension of these curvature characteristic forms to closed smooth forms on the cylinder U×[0,1], hence a “smooth 1-parameter flow” of the curvature characteristic forms.
Under which conditions can we find a flow of A that follos this flow of curvature characteristic forms?
In other words, under which conditions can we find an extension ˆA of A to U×[0,1] such that the Ci=⟨FˆA⟩i?
This is equivalently solving a system of (in general highly nonlinear) first order differential equations
{∂σ⟨FˆA⟩=Ji}for the ˆA given boundary conditions at σ=0, subject to what should serve as an integrability conditon on the Ji=dU(ι∂σˆCi).
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