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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorHarry Gindi
    • CommentTimeFeb 9th 2011
    • (edited Feb 9th 2011)

    Reposted from MO:


    The mapping simplex: We define a functor Mn:Fun([n],sSet)sSet sending the functor ϕ:[n]sSet classifying the sequence


    (notice that Ak=ϕ(nk).) to the simplicial set Mn(ϕ) defined as a representable functor as follows:


    The identity map Mn(ϕ)Mn(ϕ) then determines a unique map Mn(ϕ)Δn by the fact that simplicial sets are colimits of their simplices.

    Also, given a map ΔmΔn corresponding to a functor F:[m][n] (by full and faithfulness of the Yoneda embedding), it’s not hard to see that


    Let ϕ:[n]sSet be a functor classifying a sequence of composable maps


    Then let cAn be the constant functor [n]sSet at An. Then by the functoriality of Mn, we have a map Mn(cAn)Mn(ϕ) induced by the obvious natural transformation α:cAnϕ, which is defined componentwise as the composite map αi:AnAi for each i (the naturality of this map is immediate).

    Notice that Mn(cA) for any simplicial set A is canonically isomorphic to the product A×Δn since



    Let ι:[n1][n] be the obvious inclusion on the last n1 objects of [n], and let ϕ:[n]sSet be a functor parameterizing a sequence of composable maps


    Let ϕ=ι*ϕ, which parameterizes the sequence:


    (yes, the indexing is annoying, since Ak=ϕ(nk)).

    Also, let cAn:[n]sSet be the constant functor at An, and let cAn=ι*cAn. We also define a third sequence dAn:[n]sSet to be the sequence


    which extends cAn by the empty object on the right. It is immediate from the definition that we have a canonical isomorphism Mn1(cAn)Mn(dAn). This gives us a natural inclusion Mn1(cAn)Mn(dAn)Mn(cAn)

    Then we apparently have the following pushout square:


    Claim: PMn(ϕ)

    Then why does the claim hold?

    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorHarry Gindi
    • CommentTimeFeb 10th 2011

    Does anyone know how to show this? It’s geometrically obvious, but I’m having a rough time showing it to be true. The mapping properties are in exactly the wrong directions =(.

    • CommentRowNumber3.
    • CommentAuthorHarry Gindi
    • CommentTimeFeb 11th 2011

    Alright, I think I answered my own question on MO. Any chance anyone can tell me if the proof works?