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stub for (infinity,n)-category with duals
You defined “has adjoints” twice. It seems to me that the first should have been for 1-morphisms and I changed it accordingly.
Something I may have asked before, but we seem to deal with ∞-categories with various properties assigned to certain intervals of n-morphisms; no property, has duals, is invertible, is trivial. So we may say ’invertible above n’, or ’trivial above n+k and below k perhaps with duals between. How far do they ever get combined? I see we have k-tuply monoidal (n,r)-category. Do they crop up in nature? How about a k-tuply monoidal (infinity,n)-category with duals?
I see we have k-tuply monoidal (n,r)-category. Do they crop up in nature?
I mostly only wrote that to record the insight that the concept still makes sense when r=−1 (giving the concept of k-tuply groupal n-groupoid).
k-tuply monoidal (n,r)-categories certainly crop up in nature! How could they not?
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