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have created model structure on reduced simplicial sets
(I thought I had a vague memory that this or something similarly titled already existed, but apparently it didn’t).
Also added a little bit more detail on the Quillen equivalence with simplicial groups here and there, notably in the last section at groupoid object in an (infinity,1)-category
the model structure on reduced simplicial sets: is is cofibrantly generated? Does the projective model structure on functors with values in it exist?
Never mind, Danny kindly points out that it follows easily from prop. A.2.6.13 of HTT.
I have added to model structure on reduced simplicial sets statement and (immediate) proof that reduced suspension/looping (co-)restricts to a Quillen endo-adjunction on reduced simplicial sets (here)
Some questions:
Is the model structure on reduced simplicial sets still right proper?
And how about 2-reduced simplicial sets and -reduced simplicial sets? Will they still carry the analogous model structures? And will they be right proper?
added (here) statement of Goerss&Jardine V Cor. 6.9:
Let be a fibration in the model structure on reduced simplicial sets such that both and are Kan complexes. Then is a Kan fibration precisely if it induces a surjection on the first simplicial homotopy group .
added (here) the following statement:
Let be a homomorphism of simplicial groups which is a Kan fibration. Then the induced morphism of simplicial classifying spaces is a Kan fibration if and only if is a surjection.
added (here) the following statement and its proof:
Let be a homomorphism of simplicial groups which is a Kan fibration. Then the induced morphism of simplicial classifying spaces is a Kan fibration if and only if is a surjection.
added pointer to
for discussion of the Joyal-type (in fact transferred) model structure on reduced simplicial sets, modelling quasi-categories with a single object.
Added a DOI hyperlink (not sure if cam.ac.uk URL is still necessary, since the DOI redirects to it); any URL that has the word “handle” in it almost certainly has a DOI, see here: https://www.doi.org/the-identifier/resources/factsheets/doi-system-and-the-handle-system.
Right, thanks.
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