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Question at MO. Reproduced below:
The Artin-Mazur codiagonal ∇:ssSet→sSet is right adjoint to the total decalage functor Dec:sSet→ssSet. The total decalage functor is defined to be precomposition with the ordinal sum functor +:Δ×Δ→Δ, +([n],[m])=[n+m+1].
If we agree to call a bisimplicial set X=([n]×[m]↦Xnm) a bi-Kan complex if each simplicial set [k]↦Xkm and [k]↦Xnk is a Kan complex (for all n and m), then I’m wondering if it is known in the literature whether ∇X is a Kan complex. Perhaps in Artin-Mazur’s monograph?
Note that a bi-Kan complex is not necessarily the same as an internal Kan complex in the category of Kan complexes (I haven’t checked this - just a warning)
In particular, this is relevant to showing that ˉWG is globally Kan for a topological simplicial group G.
I am! but often do not look at MO. (but have answered it there as well now!)
I assume you have checked the various papers by Cegarra,
The behaviour of the W-construction on the homotopy theory of bisimplicial sets.
Manuscripta Math. 124 (2007), 427–457 (With J. Remedios).
I do not have a copy in front of me so cannot cross check. His webpage is at http://www.ugr.es/~acegarra/Trabajos.html. Another very relevant paper to check is http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1003/1003.3820v1.pdf
This seems to say that the answer is YES. see Fact 2.8 page 9.
(Possibly also http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1012/1012.4103v1.pdf might be useful.)
If you check the MO question now, you will find the same answer (and a good remark by Harry!) My reason for re-replying here is to emphasise that the Granada group working with Cegarra, etc. have done a lot of very good stuff in this area and it may be a good idea to double check in some of the other papers for results that are useful for nLab threads. I must admit to not knowing enough of their work well enough. (It should also be said that the city of Granada has some wonderful things in it… not just the Alhambra.)
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