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I think I can see the following, but am wondering if this is discussed in the literature:
for A a cochain dg-algebra in non-negative degree let ΞA∈AlgΔ be the cosimplicial algebra obtained as its image under dual Dold-Kan. Then regarded as an object in [Δop,Algop]↪[Δop,(AlgΔ)op] it should always be Reedy cofibrant, for the projective model structure on AlgΔ where the fibrations are degreewise surjections:
because the morphism out of the latching object in degree n is dually a projection out of the algebra (ΞA)n discarding some top degree generators, hence is an epi, hence a fibration in AlgΔproj hence a cofibration (AlgΔproj)op.
This statement should be of general relevance and is probably discussed somewhere. Does anyone have anything?
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