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Have added to HowTo a description for how to label equations
In the course of this I restructured the section “How to make links to subsections of a page” by giving it a few descriptively-titled subsections.
have added to HowTo right after the mentioning of the CodeCogs page also a link to the (new?) QuickLatex tool.
I was reminded of some things that I had wanted to add to the HowTo page, and now I finally got around to doing so:
I added a new section How to organize and write content with new subsections:
I have also added a subsection:
Oh, and now I have spotted and removed the subsection “How to ask questions”. I think we all agree that this initial idea we once had didn’t work out and should be abandoned, reproduced below just for the record:
[ begin obsolete old text ]
If you want to make a comment or question about a page without changing its main content, then edit the page and put your comment or question in a query block as shown in this example:
+-- {: .query}
How do I ask a question?
which produces
+– {: .query} How do I ask a question? =–
Note that a query block should be less permanent than the rest of the page; once your comment is addressed or your question is answered, you can probably remove your query block.
If you want to ask a question of a specific person, then you can place a query block on their user page (which is just a page whose title is their name). You should be able to find all user pages here.
If your comment or question is more general than a specific page or person, then try the n-Forum. Previous discussions have been on the General Discussion page and on an entry at the n-Cafe. These previous discussions should not be added to but you may find your question answered there. Important answers are being migrated to this How To and the FAQ. As this is a Wiki, if you find an answer to your question and feel it should be added to one of those then do so.
[ end obsolete old text ]
That text shouldn't be removed entirely; it's still a formatting feature that's sometimes useful and should be documented.
The section has been edited bit by bit over the years as we've pulled away from heavy use of query boxes. It ought to start by pointing people to the Forum (instead of ending with this as it last did) and then show how to make a query box if people want to.
I will try to write a section like that now. … Done.
I have added a section: How to… upload files.
under HowTo#instiki_howto changed the currently broken external link on “Add metadata to your markup” from http://maruku.rubyforge.org/proposal.html to https://golem.ph.utexas.edu/~distler/maruku/proposal.html
I don’t know what to do about the broken link on “Make tables, footnotes, etc” http://maruku.rubyforge.org/maruku.html#extra
I mentioned that there was an invalid equation on that page on another thread.
In order to improve the order-by-relevance of the material, I moved up the section How to make links to subsections
I see now that this has a little bit of overlap with the new section on how to put references that I just added, but it’s maybe still good to have the latter
This page is great, and I will definitely reference it in the future, but after about a year or two of editing here, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen it.
I think it would be very nice if the editing page always included a link to this page right at the top. The edit page has some nice markdown tips, but this page has stuff like table of contents and theorem environments that are less common.
I think it would be very nice if the editing page always included a link to this page right at the top.
That sounds indeed like a good idea: include a pointer to HowTo in the line on top of each nLab entry.
We will have to bring this to the attention of Richard. Probably he will see this here. If not, let’s remember to contact him about it.
I noticed that the text under Software requirements was badly outdated.
I rewrote a bit, to the best of my knowledge, in particular I mentioned MathJax (which wasn’t around yet when that section was last edited!) But somebody more expert should please check, especially the following points:
is installing STIX fonts still something one needs to do?
what’s the latest on Opera supporting MathML? It said something about the “recent” version, but that will be long outdated now.
Is it still true that IE (or any other browser) works with or needs the MathPlayer plugin? My impression is that this is a thing of the past?
Anyway, somebody who knows about this might want to start this section completely from scratch, with up-to-date information.
I don’t think STIX fonts are needed… at least, I haven’t installed them on my new computer and things still look fine.
just downloaded the latest Opera-version to check. But it calls MathJax instead of rendering MathML natively. So I removed that outdated line regarding Opera that we had. Also removed the statement about IE needing MathPlayer.
So now it just says that Firefox is currently the only browser with native MathML support, the rest of the crowd falls back to MathJax.
Which is a pity. Since its last update Firefox has become ridiculous, tending to take several seconds for opening new windows.
(I followed the instructions that are offered online for how to work around this most unbelievable issue, but first of all I don’t actually want to clear my browsing history, as I am being advised, and it didn’t actually help for more than half an hour anyway. )
The howto still mentions the Stylish plugin. However, there have been problems with it spying on people. There is a replacement. As I’m not using the plugin myself, I won’t change the howto, but people using it (Mike?) may want to have a look.
I’ve never used Stylish.
Bas, just add the very information that you just mentioned to the HowTo, then anyone using that plugin can check for themselves.
At How to make links to subsections, some of the wikilinks inside verbatim displays are getting parsed when they shouldn’t be.
Excellent. Thank you!
I have further specified the pointer to the nForum to a pointer to this particular thread here, to free the user of the need to create a new thread, come up with a decent thread title etc.
Good idea, thanks very much!
I think HowTo could still do with quite a bit of work, for example rearranging parts of ’How to organize and write content’ and ’Special typesetting features’ into one clean section which covers all typesetting, putting everything else, like CSS, how to ask questions, etc, in some other section. I’m also not sure about the ’Template’ page. I think now we could just link to a few particularly nicely constructed pages (many of them have a cohesive style, so it shouldn’t be too much of a problem).
I’ve also not yet added the LaTeX syntax for table of contents or sectioning to the HowTo. I will also eventually tweak the sidebar to the right when one edits a page to cover a bit more.
We should add a bunch of examples of tikzcd
-diagram typesetting, with output in parallel to the source code, both for convenient copy-and-pasting for regulars, as well as a guide for newbies
I have added the example of adjoint functor notation here.
But there is a weird bug: You’ll see that the very last line of the escaped code is lacking its backslash – that’s because when adding that backslash (in the escaped code!) I get an error message upon “submit”-ing the entry (?)
Am slowly beginning to switch my typesetting here to the new tikz-functionality.
Is there a way to use the existing equation numbering functionality for formulas created with tikzcd here?
I have now fixed the issue mentioned in #30, also discussed in #43 here, to allow for the diagram code to be displayed verbatim. See here for the github commit.
As Urs suggested earlier in the thread, it would be good to collect together in the HowTo all common diagram shapes, e.g. commutative squares, triangles, 2-cells, …
As for troubles with h6. I don’t think that it is a feature that the “Theorem” shows up in the table of contents at HowTo#latex_syntax
Where the new environment-syntax was mentioned (here) with but a pointer to the page’s source, I have added display of the code that the reader needs to know.
Apparently the issue is that the new syntax doesn’t allow itself being escaped, but I worked around it:
\begin{theorem}\label{SomeTheorem}Some theorem.\end{theorem}:-)
(So this won’t allow being copy-and-pasted usefully, but at least the reader gets to see what they need to see.)
(Oh, in fact, copy-and-pasting the code displayed in #42 works just fine.)
Nice, thanks!
Thanks, that’s a good point.
I used to think that labels didn’t allow anything but the plain alphabetic characters. But recently I saw somebody use Umlaute in labels, and it worked. So I don’t actually know what the rules here are. But I am forwarding the question to the technical board.
Hm, wait, I just experimented in the Sandbox and saw your previous experiments there.
For a Definition/Theorem/Proof-environment a label with “-
” does works (here).
It seems to fail for labels of equations, which is the case you seem to have dealt with.
Following discussion here I have removed the pointer to How to get started, since, besides offering motivation and encouragement, that page focused on outdated procedures.
In its stead, I have replaced the previous pointer by this line (adopted from “How to get started”):
If you feel you can most easily start by modifying an example, look at the template page and do experiments in the Sandbox.
Re #51
This is because:
They apparently parse things differently:
We only have control over the Python renderer. We could restrict the allowed characters to match Maruku, but then we would have to check all existing pages (and perhaps revisions, but those are not rendered by the Python renderer anyway).
I kept the paragraph about the SQL database, is it still relevant?
A current git repository of the source code for nLab pages is available at https://github.com/ncatlab/nlab-content and a current git repository of the compiled HTML code for nLab pages is available at https://github.com/ncatlab/nlab-content-html.
Deleted the following text:
It is possible to download an SQL dump of the nLab database, from which both the nLab and nForum can be reconstructed. Some of us are running cron jobs to do this regularly. The more the merrier: if you are interested, please request that we create a user for you to be able to do this in the nForum, say in this thread.
Attempted to update the information about browsers:
The nLab serves mathematical symbols as MathML. Presently the browsers with native MathML support, and hence immediate rendering of the formulas, are those based on the Gecko, Blink, and WebKit rendering engines, e.g., Firefox, Chrome/Chromium, Safari, etc.
Older unmaintained browsers like Internet Explorer, as well as a few obscure mobile and desktop browsers, fall back to rendering MathML formulas using the MathJax [polyfill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyfill_(programming%29). This works, but is slow. On small pages it is fine, on larger pages with many formulas MathJax may take up to several minutes for rendering.
Not sure where to ask this but we need to run a site-wide search-and-replace from www.math.jhu.edu
to math.jhu.edu
as the former is no longer reachable (the website hosts Riehl’s Category Theory in Context).
A centralised bibliography would be nice, but I don’t know if that’s doable with the existing wiki markup (individual pages may still want to point to specific pages).
Thanks for the alert.
The way to do such searches is with the site:
-tag in Google search:
This gives me about half a dozen of valid hits, but all of them have the search string inside pdf’-s which we are mirroring on the nLab, and so there is nothing really we can do about.
The reference in question already does have its own page, as you have seen: Category Theory in Context. Such category:reference
-pages are the closest we have to a database of bibitems.
I see you have fixed the URL there. That’s good, and that’s all there is to be done in this case — as far as I can see.
Thanks for the alert.
The section “Ho to merge pages” was added by Toby Bartels way back in March 2010 (revision 78).
What looks like empty lines are ill-escaped redirect command lines: You can see in the source the intended output:
1. Edit 'A' so that it looks how you want, and add the line '[[!redirects B]]' to the bottom. Submit.
I am not aware that this code would have rendered properly in earlier versions of the nLab software. Maybe nobody ever proof-read these paragraphs.
In any case, I am editing that section now to fix this and some other issues.
I have rewritten the instructions for “How to merge pages” (here).
Besides fixing the previously broken command-escaping and making some streamlining to the instructions, I have added a line at the top discouraging users a little from doing this:
In most cases it will be best to raise the issue on the nForum, check if regulars agree that the pages ought to be merged, and hope that one of them takes care of it.
If you do decide to merge on your own, here are instructions. …
Re #69: It does not have to be a number, any alphanumeric id will do.
In fact, one can use the same alphanumeric id as for the bibliographic entry itself, i.e., the one inside {#…}, since in this case there is no conflict and the entry will be just as copy-pasteable.
I just found out then when uploading a file you just need to have an address for the file to be uploaded, then when you click on the link it calls for the file.
That seems easier than what we have outlined here. But maybe the existing way has advantages?
If there is an alternative way then best to describe it in the HowTo alongside other ways.
Yes, seems to work. You just write
[filename] (/nlab/files/filename.xyz)
without the space. I’ll change the HowTo.
I keep seeing locked pages at the moment. Is something strange happening?
This has always been happening, but the frequency has drastically increased more recently. I am guessing that bots crawling the nLab are inadvertently also triggering the edit function, and that there are more such bots these days, due to AI needs.
In the same vein, the frequency with which the nForum becomes unresponsive has also drastically increased, and it seems to be due to bot traffic.
… but the frequency has drastically increased more recently.
This could become quite a pain. I guess we’ll just ’edit anyway’, and hope there aren’t clashes.
I believe it should be save to “edit anyway” when it says “Anonymous is currently editing the entry” because “Anonymous” is no longer allowed to save! Conversely, I doubt that ordinary users can still cause a block with this message.
(But I am just guessing here.)
Re #81: This is a problem with the new parser. The old parser (used for history) renders it correctly:
I see. I could bring this up to the technical team, but nobody will be working on this anytime soon.
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