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once I typed out at category of monoids some details of the tedious construction of pushouts in Monoids(C) (for C a symmetric monoidal category) along a morphism of free monoids
F(K)→AF(v)↓↓F(L)→A∐F(K)F(L)for some morphism v:K→L in the underlying category C.
I remember when typing this I thought I knew how this simplifies in the case of commutative monoids. But now I come back to this, find that I forgot what I knew and need to think again.
Is in CommMonoids(C) the pushout of the above kind given by the pushout in the underlying category C?
oh, I am being stupid. For instance page 478 of the Elephant has what I need. I’ll write out something into the nLab, lest I forget again.
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