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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorHarry Gindi
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2011
    • (edited Mar 9th 2011)

    Technical nonsense

    Recall that Θ2 is the full subcategory of Str2cat consisting of “free 2-categories on pasting diagrams”. Consider the category tSet:=Psh(Θ2) (I’m calling this tSet to avoid having to write out Θ2 every time).

    Consider the presheaf X represented by the object [2]([2],[2]). There exists a subpresheaf ΛX, which is, roughly geometrically, Λ21(Λ21,Λ21). Another way to think about this geometrically is simply as the pasting diagram that generates [2]([2],[2]).

    Now, we may apply Cisinski’s machinery in the following way: Let L be the subobject classifier of tSet, which, being injective, is fibrant and contractible for every Cisinski-type model structure. The object L defines a separated interval object in the following canonical way: Since the terminal object, * has exactly two subobjects * and **, we have exactly two morphisms {0},{1}:*L, and their intersection is empty. Also, L* is the unique morphism to the terminal object, so this determines a separated interval. We let L be the subobject of L induced from the coproduct {0}{1}L.

    We choose the following homotopy data: Let M be a small set of generating monomorphisms (in the sense that llp(rlp(M)) is the class of monomorphisms), which exists by virtue of tSet being a presheaf category. Let S be the set containing just the morphism ι:ΛX Then the data of (L,M,S) may be completed to a homotopy structure on tSet by setting AnL:=llp(rlp(CL(S,M))), where CL(S,M) is the set of morphisms defined recursively as follows:


    For Y any set of morphisms of tSet, let


    Define Cn=C(Cn1) for n1, and let CL(S,M)=n0Cn.

    It is a lemma of Cisinski that the class AnL=llp(rlp(CL(S,M))) is a class of anodynes for the cylinder L. Further, Cisinski’s lemma states that AnL is the absolute smallest weakly saturated class of morphisms containing S that is a compatible class of anodynes for the cylinder L.

    By Cisinski’s big theorem in chapter 1.3 of Astérisque, we see that the homotopy structure (L,AnL) generates a combinatorial model structure on tSet, and that this is the minimal Cisinski model structure for which ι:ΛX is anodyne.


    The resulting model structure is a model for (oo,2)-categories and is on the nose equal to Joyal’s conjectural model structure for quasi-2-categories as presheaves on Θ2.


    If we rerun the argument by replacing Θ2 with Δ, X with Δ2, and Λ with Λ21, it is known that we recover the Joyal model structure. If further, we add the outer 2-horn inclusions to S, we recover the theory of Kan complexes. This, among other things, leads me to believe that we can think of the set S above as encoding “operations” satisfying certain “identities” on fibrant objects. The inclusion ΛX that I chose above seems to encode composition of 1-morphisms, composition of 2-morphisms, and the interchange law.

    At least what I’m hoping is that the same magic that happens for quasicategories and Kan complexes works for quasi-2-categories. If it works (pretty big “if”!), I think it should be fairly straightforward to generalize the idea to (,n)-categories modeled by Θn for finite n by induction.

    I’m posting this here to ask you guys if it sounds plausible. Does it?

    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2011

    Hi Harry,

    I can’t make a useful technical comment right now, but have a general comment, concerning for instance

    Joyal’s conjectural model structure for quasi-2-categories as presheaves on Θ2.

    There has been a tremendous amount of activity recently by Julie Bergner, Charles Rezk and others on relating Theta-space-models for (,n)-categories in all kinds of ways to all kinds of other models. I am not up to speed with this, though, only know that Julie and others told me about exciting developoments.

    I expect you can get a really good answer by emailing her or Charles Rezk (if he doesn’t see you on MO, already ;-)

    • CommentRowNumber3.
    • CommentAuthorHarry Gindi
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2011

    Alright, I sent Julie an e-mail.