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under which general conditions does the map that sends a chain complex to the free dg-algebra over it preserve quasi-isomorphisms?
I need this for chain complexes of modules over a fixed cdg-algebra (over the ground field) and cdg-algebras over that cdg-algebra. But any related info would be welcome.
let’s see, I guess we can go via the transferred model struccture.
Let k be a field of char 0 and A∈cdgAlgk. Then AMod (everything unbounded) has the standard projective model structure with fibrations the degreewise surjections.
I want to transfer along
cgdAlgAF←→UAMod.Does U preserve filtered colimits? We do have fibrant replacement and path object functor (−)⊗kΩ•([0,1]) on the left. So if the transferred model structure exists, F is left Quillen, which would be good enough for me, probably.
For A∈cdgAlgk there is a functor
SymA:AMod→cdgAlgAthat sends a complex V of A-modules to the symmetric tensor dg-algebra over (under) A that is
SymAV=A⊕V⊕V⊗symAV⊕⋯.I was looking for conditions under wich this preserved weak equivalences. But I think I found an answer that works for my purpose.
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