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stub for conserved current
I have added to conserved current under References – Dickey-Lie bracket on currents pointer to Barnich-Fulp-Lada-Stasheff 97 together with the statement that the construction in that article gives an L∞-algebra that is L∞-equivalent to the Dickey-Lie bracket.
That statement of L∞-equivalence is not explicit in the article, thought it is pretty immediate. Thanks to Domenico Fiorenza for cross-checking.
(Eventually the entry deserves to have a genuine discussion of these issues in its main text. I’ll try to add it once we have an article finished that we are currently preparing on this topic.)
This page should probably link to current. I made the latter read more smoothly. It suggests a relation between the different senses of ’current’. Can we not say something clearer here?
Thanks for alerting us of this. I’ll try to find time to do something about this.
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