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Has anyone noted what is happening at Moonshine?
Maarten and Alex are having a discussion?
Years later: yes, they had, in a query box in the Idea-section at Moonshine. In fact not so much an argumentative discussion, instead they jointly came up with what should be in an Idea-section in this entry!
So I have edited a little for coherence, and added plenty of links. Removed the box and removed the names (sticking with the tradition that we don’t sign every single paragraph we add to the nLab).
On a strange whim I started umbral moonshine.
Since it’s in the news, I started O’Nan moonshine. Plenty of new entries are needed, if anyone knows about this: mock modular forms, McKay–Thompson series, etc.
I added
Interesting to see elliptic cohomology feature strongly.
added pointer to today’s
added pointer to today’s
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