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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorzskoda
    • CommentTimeMay 9th 2011

    I did not classify this under latest changes as I expect some discussion after some questions I will ask later this week in this thread, related to thread.

    Before that let me archive an old query from center here:

    Mike Shulman: It seems to me that the monoid of endofunctions of a set would be the decategorification of [C,C], not [C,C](IdC,IdC). The center of a set should be the endotransformations of the identity endofunction (of which there is only one, the identity). Moreover, since the center of a category is a commutative monoid, and the center of a bicategory is a braided monoidal category (horizontally categorifying the center of a monoidal category), the center construction acts like a knights-move on the periodic table; thus it makes sense that the center of a set should be a symmetric monoidal (1)-category, i.e. “True.”

    Toby: I didn't look closely enough at your centre of a category then! What you say here contradicts what you wrote below —that the centre of a k-tuply monoidal n-category is a (k+1)-tuply monoidal n-category, which is my understanding— and contradicts what John Baez writes in Section 1.1 (page 5) of HDA1.

    Mike Shulman: I expanded it a lot; let me know if this is any better. It’s even more confusing than I realized at first.

    Toby: I understand it, but it still doesn't actually include the centre of a set (or more generally of an n-category) that I learnt about from HDA1. Now, maybe that's not a very useful concept … except that it fits in so well with the centre of a k-tuply monoidal n-category for k>0! How many of these k+1 different centres that a k-tuply monoidal n-category has are used?

    Mike Shulman: Hmm, that appears to be a different notion of center than the one I was used to. (I didn’t make this one up, but I don’t remember where I learned it; has anyone else seen it?) Perhaps that one is better; it also has the advantage that it gives automatically that the center of a k-tuply monoidal n-category is (k+1)-tuply monoidal.

    Toby: I'll try to get John's attention.

    Mike Shulman: The HDA1 definition also leaves me wondering: why make only that particular choice of what level to stop at? Is there anything interesting to say about other choices?

    Toby: H'm, John is ’too busy’ until September 22. (’_‘)

    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorzskoda
    • CommentTimeMay 9th 2011
    • (edited May 11th 2011)

    OK, first question.

    There is also sometimes used another notion of a center of an object X in an arbitrary monoidal category C. It is by the definition simply the hom-set C(1,X). In important cases, one can consider the right derived functor of XC(1,X) which corresponds to Hochschild cohomology. Now, an object X is said to be central if the center in this sense, C(1,X), has the special property that for every object Y and for every pair f,g:XY such that fg there is cC(1,X) such that fcgc. If C is the category of R-bimodules and R commutative, then we get that the subcategory ZC of central objects is the subcategory of central bimodules. There are many other special cases. I do not see how this corresponds to the treatment in center.

    • CommentRowNumber3.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeMay 11th 2011

    It could be that this is just “yet another” notion of center which should be added to the page center alongside the existing ones. I suspect that the center of a monoidal n-category may be related to its center, in your sense, in the ((n+1)-)category of monoidal n-categories, but that’s just a guess.