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started Spanier-Whitehead duality
I remember starting an entry on this topic. Where is it ?
P.S. strange. I even recall putting the reference from Kaminker for the noncommutative case.
The only pages I can find with “Kaminker” in them on the nLab (without searching through the history) are Jerome Kaminker itself and Brown-Douglas-Fillmore theory. Did you put them on your personal web?
It must have been some other kind of editing work I have done in past. I can not believe, as I have the feeling that I reported some of it to the nCommunity. Must be that I am getting old…His work on noncommutative analogue of the connection between Thom isomorphism, Poincare duality and Spanier-Whitehead duality I not published though I own a manuscriupt from one of his lectures on the subject. It is related to the subject treated in more advanced work of Mukkai, Jonathan Rosenberg et al.
Hi Zoran,
I have now searched the forum, probably you mean this comment of yours?!
That’s interesting. I have missed the point of it when you posted it. Now I see that it discuses explicit constructions of the SW-duality. Maybe you should move it into the nLab entry.
Right! You found it! It does not look that organized, but maybe there is some marginal use of these couple of comments now. I will see if I can make use of it for nLab some time soon, but it is the end of the week and I need to finish at least something there before I leave my jobplace for few days.
Edit: I did incorporate the first (easier) part of my first comment as a new entry Alexander-Čech duality.
added pointer to:
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