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am adding references to Alexandrov space
I changed to Alexandrov topology, the spelling which is used in wikipedia here (see also person entry). -ff ending is in the original paper because it was published in German.
Added also more references and links to MathOverflow discussions on Alexandrov spaces at specialization topology.
Okay, thanks.
I have expanded the Properties-section at specialization topology a bit more, mainly trying to organize the available statements a bit more systematically, but also expanding slightly.
Am not happy with this entry yet, but that’s as far as I can get right now with the time available.
I have added at Alexandrov space to the section “Alexcandrov locales” the statement of the theorem that under forming upward-sets, Poset is equivalent to that subcategory of Locale on formal duals to upper-set frames whose morphisms are such that the inverse image has a left adjoint.
Stumbled upon this when checking the link to Alexandroff topology on hemicompact space: I’m pretty surprised that Grigori Perelman and Mikhail Gromov of all people are not linked.
Edit: Also added new link for DC structure on Alexandrov spaces as the old link was dead.
Edit: Also added link to the pdf from the website of the IHES for Alexandrov spaces with curvature bounded below. (Also added on the pages for Grigori Perelman and Mikhail Gromov.)
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