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have added to Topos in the section on limits of toposes the description of the pullback of toposes by pushout of their sites of definition.
I have a question about colimits in Topos.
A typical topos looks like Set, and is therefore a large category. So Topos is presumably a Very large category. So we might hope that Topos has all large colimits. But Moerdijk only states that Topos has all small colimits. Of course Moerdijk might be using some different set theory conventions.
So exactly how large can colimits in Topos be?
The page Topos is about the geometric case. It’s true that Topos is set-theoretically a very large 2-category, but its sub-2-category of Grothendieck toposes (which is the one that Moerdijk is talking about) is essentially only large (though not locally small), because it is equivalent to a 2-category whose objects are small sites. So it’s not reasonable to expect it to have large colimits.
The 2-category of elementary toposes and geometric morphisms is quite ill-behaved in general; it does have some limits and colimits, but they are arguably somewhat accidental. To get good behavior you generally have to restrict to a slice category of bounded geometric morphisms over a fixed base topos, in which case things look very much again like the Grothendieck case.
Thanks! I was thinking purely about the case of Grothendieck toposes and geometric morphisms, but I hadn’t realised that sites had to be small in the definition of Grothendieck topos. That make things work out much more easily.
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