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There’s a nice discussion now on constructivenews about the principle of omniscience. This is a weak form of excluded middle that obviously holds on finite sets is not considered constructive on ℕ. However, it actually holds on many infinite sets, as the discussion shows.
Hi Toby - had to fix your attribution of the MO question referenced at principle of omniscience - it was due to David Feldman, not me, although I commented on the question.
Interesting! Is there an “unlimited principle of omniscience”? Does that just refer to LPO for all sets, i.e. EM?
@ David: Oops! There are too many ‘David’s in the world, as you may have noticed.
@ Mike: I’ve never heard anybody use that phrase, but I would probably interpret it as you did if I met it. Still, I don’t really know for sure what inspired Bishop to use the word ‘limited’.
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