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I have added very briefly a disambiguation line to the top of the entry genus. But eventually I guess we may need a genuine disambiguation page.
have added to genus a quick comment saying that at least some important genera may be thought of as encoding sigma-models: the map σ:MG→R from the classifying space of G-structured manifolds (Thom spectrum) to some “classifying spectrum” for a class of QFTs encodes the map that sends a target space to the corresponding σ-model (e.g. A-hat genus and Witten genus).
This needs to be expanded on, but I leave it at that for the moment.
I have expanded a bit at genus. Expanded the Idea-section, started some brief notes on logarithms and characteristic series, gave some of these for the examples, added more of the historical references and more reviews.
But then entry would still need more work.
added a brief paragraph on the definition of Hirzebruch series via orientations in generalized cohomology, pointing to section 3 in Ando-Hopkins-Rezk.
Wanted to do more, but am out of time for today.
I have tried to improve that section a bit more (the previous wording on how the rationalization enters had been rather unclear).
Have expanded a tad at genus – The Hirzebruch formula on how to read this via the splitting principle. I made related brief additions at Chern class, Pontryagin class, splitting principle and maybe elsewhere.
added pointer to:
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