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I have split off bisimplicial set and bisimplicial group from bisimplicial object
I am trying to add some homotopy-theoretic details to bisimplicial set, such total décalage, codiagonal, model structures induced from diagonal and codiagonal.
Urs. Perhaps it is not a good idea to use ˉW for the codiagonal as then for a simplicial group we have ˉWG=ˉWNer(G)!!!! I tend to prefer ∇.
Yes, right. If you have time, add a warning on notation.
added to bisimplicial set the explicit component formula for the codiagonal/total sSet
4 Done.
I have polished the formatting of the section Total simplicial sets and then crossed-linked it with total complex via the Eilenberg-Zilber theorem (but more details should be spelled out eventually).
Added a disambiguation page at
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