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I added some more to Lebesgue space about the cases where fails.
Hi Toby. Could you check again the asserted local convexity in the cases ? Because the Hahn-Banach theorem implies that the dual of a locally convex TVS is non-zero, whereas it is known that for this range of typically has zero dual. See also this section from Wikipedia.
Yeah, I remembered that wrong. Fixed.
I added a section on Minkowski’s inequality for the case , with a proof of my own devising. I don’t think it’s actually original with me, but I’ve not seen it in the books I’ve looked at. The textbook proofs I have seen involve Hölder’s inequality, but without the courtesy of saying what is going on in that proof conceptually. I have a page on these issues on my lab, here.
By the way, when putting norms and absolute values in itex, it looks a lot better if you put each one inside braces. Compare:
|x| = |y|
produces ‘’;{|x|} = {|y|}
produces ‘’.Thanks for the tip! “Who knew?”
Now that I’m looking at this on my phone, they look identical (and, unusually, better). That’s weird!
My memory is that between and we have still Frechet spaces.
But Fréchet spaces are locally convex, giving Todd’s objection again. (I seem to recall that -spaces have sometimes been called “Fréchet spaces”.)
Toby #9 is right. There is some terrible terminological confusion here. I grew up with the meaning of Fréchet space as including local convexity (which rules out ), but apparently some people use it to mean what is called F-space.
A Fréchet space in my meaning is a TVS whose topology is given by a countable family of seminorms under which the TVS becomes a complete metric space (including the axiom that implies ). If you have a Fréchet space given by a single seminorm, then that is a norm and you get a Banach space.
I clarified that is not even an -space.
For historical reasons (starting with the original paper by Riesz), the exponent is traditionally taken to be the reciprocal of the “correct” exponent.
If we take , the spaces form a -graded algebra, where denotes complex numbers.
This is a conceptual explanation for the appearance of formulas like in Hölder’s inequality.
In differential geometry, the notion of density does use the “correct” grading.
In the Tomita–Takesaki theory, the parameter for modular automorphism group is almost the “correct” grading, except that it is multiplied by the imaginary unit .
In this section, we exhibit a construction of -spaces that only makes use of an enhanced measurable space (a set with a σ-algebra of measurable sets and a σ-ideal of negligible sets), and not the full data of a measure space (where is a measure on that vanishes on ).
This makes it clear that does not really depend on , so we can also write instead.
We set , to ensure we get a -graded algebra. In particular,
(bounded measurable functions),
(the Hilbert space of half-densities),
(the space of finite measures).
Given , we define as a quotient. The underlying set is , the set of (equivalence classes of) bounded measurable complex-valued functions on times the set of of finite complex-valued measures on that vanish on .
The equivalence relation is defined as follows: , for every nonnegative measurable function on . Here is a unique measure supplied by applying the Radon–Nikodym theorem in reverse:
For , the map establishes an isomorphism from to the vector space of finite complex-valued measures on .
For , the map establishes an isomorphism from to the vector space of bounded complex-valued functions on .
Given a measure space f\mapsto f \mu^p$ establishes an isomorphism
where the left side is the usual -space from analysis (with the reciprocal index ).
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