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started Euler class
added statement of the Whitney sum formula for Euler classes:
The Euler class of the Whitney sum of two oriented real vector bundles to the cup product of the separate Euler classes:
added references on Euler forms:
Varghese Mathai, Daniel Quillen, below (7.3) of Superconnections, Thom classes, and equivariant differential forms, Topology Volume 25, Issue 1, 1986 (10.1016/0040-9383(86)90007-8)
Siye Wu, Section 2.2 of Mathai-Quillen Formalism (arXiv:hep-th/0505003)
Liviu Nicolaescu, Section 8.3.2 of Lectures on the Geometry of Manifolds, 2018 (pdf, MO comment)
finally added this kind of remark, to the Properties-section:
For a vector bundle of even rank , the cup product of the Euler class with itself equals the th Pontryagin class
(e.g. Walschap 04, p. 187)
When the Euler class is represented by the Euler form of a connection on , which then is fiber-wise proportional to the Pfaffian of the curvature form of , the above relation corresponds to the fact that the product of a Pfaffian with itself is the determinant: .
Why and ?
Thanks for catching this! Fixed now.
I have added statement of the following proposition, for which I am citing (Walschap 04, Chapter 6.6, Thm. 6.1, p. 201-202)
Let be a smooth manifold and an oriented real vector bundle of even rank, .
For any choice of connection on (-connection), let denote the corresponding Euler form.
Then the pullback of the Euler form to the unit sphere bundle is exact
such that the trivializing form has (minus) unit integral over any of the (2k+1)-sphere-fibers :
finally added this classical reference (also at Pfaffian):
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