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I have split off an entry geometric quantization of symplectic groupoids from symplectic groupoid.
I have also tried to clean up and make more systematic the Idea-section at geometric quantization
Symplectic groupoids were discovered independently (and a bit earlier) from Weinstein by Karasev and studied systematically by Karasev-Maslov school. Besides for the idea of geometric quantization of course one should first credit people before those later and more technical developments: Kostant, Kirillov and Sourieau.
added references to geometric quantization of symplectic groupoids. Started making some notes on geometric quantization of symplectic infinity-groupoids.
added to geometric quantization of symplectic groupoids a few words on what it is all about: central extensions of Lie groupoids induced by degree 3 de Rham classes on them.
finally began to fill in some pointers at geometric quantization of symplectic groupoids in the section on prequantization of symplectic groupoids.
More later.
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