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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorHarry Gindi
    • CommentTimeSep 18th 2011

    Since some of you have thought much longer and much more intensely about the notion of a ω-fibration, I was wondering if someone could point out the deficiencies in the following proposed definition of such a fibration:

    Let p:EBp:E\to B be a strict ω-functor between strict ω-categories. We will attempt to axiomatize the idea that pp is a Grothendieck (non-street) fibration:

    We say that an nn-cell ϕ:D nE\phi:D_n\to E with s(ϕ)=as(\phi)=a and t(ϕ)=bt(\phi)=b is cartesian if for any n1n-1-cell c:D n1Ec:D_{n-1}\to E such that s(c)=s(a)s(c)=s(a) and t(c)=t(a)t(c)=t(a), the induced map E(c,a)lim(B(pc,pa)B(pc,pb)E(c,b))E(c,a)\to lim(B(pc,pa)\to B(pc,pb) \leftarrow E(c,b)) exhibits E(c,a)E(c,a) as a strict (maybe homotopy?) pullback of strict ω\omega-categories. (I believe that asking for this to be a good homotopy notion will make it so it is well-preserved by the cellular nerve functor, which should, conjecturally, be a right Quillen functor between the natural model structure on strict ω\omega-categories and the CIsinski-Joyal model structure on ω\omega-quasicategories).

    Then pp is a strict ω\omega-fibration if for every nn-cell λ:sp(t)\lambda: s\to p(t) in BB, there exists a cartesian nn-cell λ\lambda' of EE such that p(λ)=λp(\lambda')=\lambda.

    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeOct 4th 2011

    Well, your definition of cartesianness looks exactly like Definition 1 at n-fibration interpreted in hom-categories (modulo strictness), and the assertion that cartesian lifts exist for all nn looks exactly like the conditions (1) and (2) of Definition 2 there, strictified and unraveled. Thus, if the schematic definition at n-fibration is correct, then I would guess that the only thing wrong with yours is that it’s missing an analogue of condition (3) (precomposition with preserves cartesianness).

    • CommentRowNumber3.
    • CommentAuthorHarry Gindi
    • CommentTimeOct 4th 2011
    • (edited Oct 4th 2011)


    Do you know of a way to give an analogue of condition (3) similar to how I gave analogues of conditions (1) and (2) that do not depend on some kind of coinduction?

    Also, in case you’re interested, I figured out an easy construction using polygraphs of the strict ω-category P such that morphisms P->C classify ω-equivalences in C. Let S 0S_0 be a set with two elements, and then the condition at each stage is to let the new generating set S nS n1 *S_n\rightrightarrows S^*_{n-1} simply be the equivalence relation of xyx\parallel y. In fact, this condition for nn-polygraphs gives the “free contractible n-groupoid” on the set S 0S_0. This would allow us to repair the strictness problems with (1) and (2), since we can classify equivalences using PP and its suspensions.

    For the record, I care about these strict notions only because the strict notions are the ones that generalize easily to the homotopical case, where they can be systematically weakened.

    • CommentRowNumber4.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeOct 4th 2011

    It’s always possible to unravel a coinductive definition into a definition that doesn’t look coinductive. I could do it for you, but it would be a good exercise in learning to use coinduction… (-: