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earlier today I had created a stub for anti de Sitter spacetime
Presumably super anti de Sitter spacetime
A supergeometric analog of de Sitter spacetime.
is missing an ’anti’.
Can you have plain ’super de Sitter’? If so, I guess that wants an entry.
By the way, aren’t I supposed to get the impression from anti de Sitter spacetime of an (n−1,2) signature, as at anti de Sitter group?
Up to isometry, the anti de Sitter spacetime of dimension d+1 is the pseudo-Riemannian manifold whose underlying manifold is the submanifold of the Cartesian space ℝd+2 that solves the equation
Woops. All fixed now.
Regarding super de Sitter: not in the usual sense, but see arXiv:1610.01566
Is this right yet? Don’t we need two coordinates of negative sign in the signature?
From here (2.30)
(why no d-coordinate?)
From here
an n+1 dimensional flat spacetime with signature (n−1,2), i.e. the set of points (X1,X2,…,Xn+1) satisfying (X1)2+(X2)2+…+(Xn−1)2−(Xn)2−(Xn+1)2=−1.
I gave what I think is the right definition, and mentioned the more general case of (p,q) signature.
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Discussion of thermal Wick rotation on global anti-de Sitter spacetime (which is already periodic in real time) to Euclidean field theory with periodic imaginary time is in
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