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A question appeared on Math Overflow which I answered, but I’m not completely satisfied with my answer, and I wondered whether any of you had seen this before.
In some generality, the question is this. Let be a cocomplete pretopos (say), and let be a finitary polynomial endofunctor on without constant term. Then, if I’m not mistaken, the canonical arrow is monic. Is something like this true for wide pushouts in place of coproducts, i.e., is the canonical arrow monic, for any cone from to the collection of the ? I’m pretty sure that it’s going to be true, but I don’t think I’m thinking all that clearly this morning.
This seems like a handy little lemma to have archived at the Lab…
It looks to me as though your proof at MO should work in the generality of a cocomplete pretopos, if you do the zigzag thing appropriately internally. Offhand, I don’t recall seeing this anywhere before.
Thanks. I think I was worried over nothing. In any case, I did a little write-up on my web which hopefully does the job.
Nice! I was wondering last night whether the category has to be an infinitary-pretopos, or whether a cocomplete pretopos suffices – and also whether every cocomplete pretopos is an infinitary-pretopos, i.e. whether arbitrary coproducts in a pretopos are necessarily stable and disjoint.
Is there a nice argument for why finite power functors preserve filtered colimits? Perhaps that is where we have to assume something (like extensivity) about the colimits being constructed in a “set-like way”?
So I was construing a finite power functor as
where preserves filtered colimits because it is left adjoint to , and preserves filtered colimits because of the interchange between finite limits and filtered co… ohhh, dang, you’re right, I misapplied the famous theorem. Hm! Back to the old drawing board…
I’d love to think about the other questions, too, but today it feels like I have a big mess of confusions of various sorts, all crying for attention. :-)
Okay, let me try again. If is an -pretopos, then preserves arbitrary colimits. So now let be a filtered category, and let be functors . Then
where the last isomorphism comes about because is final. So preserves filtered colimits. Does that work?
(Maybe I should say infinitary pretopos instead of -pretopos?)
Ah, that looks good! So that actually says that any functor of two variables which preserves filtered colimits in each variable separately preserves filtered colimits in both variables together. I knew that for reflexive coequalizers, but I don’t recall seeing it for filtered colimits before, although I could easily be misremembering.
(“Infinitary pretopos” is an nLabism, intended to express the same thing as the more common “-pretopos”, but also avoid a terminological collision with “-topos”, where the denotes the category-level rather than the cardinality of extensivity. You can use it or not, as you like. (-: )
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