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Let P be the strict omega-category generated as follows:
Let A_0=∂O^1, and let E_n=Hom(∂O^n,A_{n-1}), where A_n is obtained by the cocartesian square:
E_n × ∂O^n -> A_{n-1}
| |
| |
v v
E_n × O^n —-> A_n
This gives an inductive system A_0 -> A_1 -> … -> A_n ->…
And we call the inductive limit of this system P.
Then P gives a factorization of ∂O^1->O^0 into a natural cofibration followed by a natural trivial fibration.
Recall that the Crans-Gray tensor product is a biclosed monoidal structure on str-ω-cat induced by the Day convolution product on the category of cubical sets extending the canonical product of cubes □i×□j=□i+j inherited from the category of sets.
Recall that in a monoidal category (V,⊗,I,ℓ,r) (here, ℓ:I⊗X≅X and r:X⊗I≅X are the natural isomorphisms for the unity object), an object X is called quasi-central in V if there exists a natural isomorphism α:X⊗−→−⊗X such that for any objects A and B in V, the following coherence conditions are satisfied:
Then my question: Is the object P defined as above quasicentral in the Crans-Gray monoidal category of strict ω-categories?
If not, can it at least be shown that it is quasicentral in the monoidal subcategory of cofibrant objects?
The intuition here is that it seems like for any fixed arbitrary strict ω-category C and any cofibrant object A, you can manufacture a natural bijection
Hom(P⊗A,C)≅Hom(P,RHom(A,C))≅Hom(P,LHom(A,C))≅Hom(A⊗P,C)since a P-shaped left-lax transfor seems like it can be reversed to a P-shaped right-lax transfor by composing with a fixed automorphism of P (since P classifies equivalences).
Can you do something silly like this:
A map P⊗Dn→X corresponds by adjunction to a map Dn→LHom(P,X), but there exists a natural isomorphism P→Pop, so we can compose Dn→LHom(Pop,X), but then by duality, this corresponds to a map Dn→LHom(P,Xop). Passing back along the adjoint, we obtain a map P⊗Dn→Xop, which gives, by duality, a map (P⊗Dn)op→X, but due to the interaction of duality with the tensor product, this gives us a map Dopn⊗Pop→X. Then precomposing with the isomorphism Dn⊗P→Dopn⊗Pop, this gives a map Dn⊗P→X.
Obviously, we can do this in reverse, so we see that we have commutativity of P with the n-globes and their boundaries… if I didn’t screw up!
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