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Just an idle speculation: is there an -version of the notion of AT category? If so, presumably it would deal with -pretoposes (those satisfying the exactness conditions in the -Giraud theorem) replacing pretoposes and stable -categories replacing abelian categories?
On the topic of A versus T, is there a relation with the two conditions Lawvere points to in categories with finite products and finite coproducts, namely linear and distributive. He defines a linear category as such a category where the terminal and coterminal object coincide, giving an natural map, an isomorphism between coproduct and product. He also talks about a distributive category being ’normalized’ by the topos it generates.
Is his use of ’linear’ more like our additive category than our algebroid?
Can an additive category be similarly ’normalized’ by the abelian category it generates?
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