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added to circle the (a) definition as a homotopy type and formalized in homotopy type theory
The HoTT links at circle were very out of date, so I have updated them.
HΔ⟵⟶Γ∞Grpdbe any Grothendieck ∞-topos.
Then if by “the circle” in H one means the image under Δ of the circle in ∞Grpd≃LswheTop, then the answer is “yes”: because the inverse image Δ preserves finite ∞-limits and hence preserves the looping relation in ∞Grpd. Also the natural numbers object is preserved by Δ (see here).
Note that one can also mean by “the circle” the object freely generated by a point and a loop, e.g. the (homotopy) coequalizer of 1⇉1. This is the same as what Urs said since Δ is cocontinuous.
just to provide the link, for definiteness: your addition is this here
Wrote up a proof sketch at suspension object that more generally, for X a pointed object in a Grothendieck (oo,1)-topos, suspending is homotopy equivalent to smashing with the classifying space of the discrete group of integers. Removed my earlier addition at circle and replaced it by appealing to this general result in the particular case when X is the two-point space.
That seems to me like a very roundabout argument. Isn’t it easier to prove that ΩS1=ℤ directly and then observe that suspension is the same as smashing with S1?
Probably my attempt was to argue from the oo-categorial Giruad axioms. Could one prove ΩS1≃ℤ directly from these axioms?
On reflection, it does seem my manner of argument is rather roundabout (although I hope it is not circular).
To spell it out: 1) Prove that ΣX≃K(ℤ,1)∧X. 2) In particular, when setting X=S0, this gives S1≃K(ℤ,1). Deduce the following two corollaries: A) Looping 2) gives ΩS1≃ℤ. B) Substituting 2) into 1) gives ΣX≃S1∧X.
Is there a way to prove (axiomatically) A without first proving 1?
Some logical dependencies: 2 and A are logically equivalent. 1+A implies B, as you noted.
Perhaps the simplest (∞,1)-categorical argument is to note the (homotopy) coequalizer diagrams 1⇉1→S1 and ℤ⇉ℤ→1, where one map ℤ→ℤ is the identity and the other is the successor. Then observe that you have a natural transformation from the latter to the former which is equifibered on restriction to the parallel pairs. Hence by descent, the whole diagrams are also equifibered, so ℤ is the pullback of 1→S1 along 1→S1, i.e. ΩS1.
added a paragraph in “as a topological space” section on how in constructive mathematics there are multiple definitions of real numbers and thus complex numbers, and the two definitions cannot be proven to be the same if the real numbers are not sequentially Cauchy complete.
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