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Created Ho(Cat), mainly as a place to put a counterexample showing that it doesn't have pullbacks. If anyone has a simpler one, please contribute it.
What are your desiderata for such counterexamples? For example, the category of nonempty finite sets doesn't admit all pullbacks. Nor does the category of smooth manifolds.
@Urs: No, the weak equivalences are the equivalences of categories.
@Todd: I meant a counterexample to the existence of pullbacks in Ho(Cat) specifically. (I had a reason to want to show someone a counterexample like that, so I thought I might as well record it in case anyone else wanted it.) I know there are lots of other categories that don't have pullbacks!
The article states without citation that
Any Ho(Cat)-category which is equivalent, as a Ho(Cat)-category, to a bicategory, is itself in fact a bicategory.
but is this really so trivial?
More precisely, let 𝒞 be a Ho(Cat)-enriched category, let 𝔇 be a bicategory, let 𝒟 be the Ho(Cat)-enriched category underlying 𝔇, and suppose F:𝒞→𝒟 is a Ho(Cat)-enriched equivalence. Then, is there a bicategory ℭ whose underlying Ho(Cat)-enriched category is not just isomorphic to 𝒞 but equal? The former is quite easy, since we can just take the hom-categories and coherence data for ℭ from those of 𝔇; but the nature of Ho(Cat) as a localisation of Cat means that there is already a canonical choice of hom-categories for ℭ. Is it true that coherence data exists for that choice of hom-categories? If so, is this in the literature somewhere?
Sesquicategories rather than bicategories?
I don’t know that it’s in the literature in exactly that form. However, it’s a general fact that any sufficiently flexible 2-categorical structure can be transported across equivalences of categories. More precisely, if T is a 2-monad or pseudomonad, A is a pseudo T-algebra, and B≃A, then B inherits a pseudo T-algebra structure. Apply that to the 2-monad on Cat-graphs whose algebras are 2-categories and whose pseudoalgebras are (unbiased) bicategories, and you get a bicategory whose hom-categories are exactly those of 𝒞. Then the fact that F is a Ho(Cat)-equivalence, rather than just a Cat-graph-equivalence, implies that the underlying Ho(Cat)-category of this bicategory is 𝒞.
Wonderful, thanks! It will take some time for me to understand the details but an affirmative answer is a good start.
touched the formatting of this ancient entry, and cross-linked with Ho(CombModCat). There is some old query-box-discussion sitting here, which would deserve to be dealt with
moving the following old query box discussion out of the entry to here:
+–{: .query} David Roberts: I would think that τ1(C) for a strict 2-category is the underlying 1-category. What is described here could be called the Poincaré category (I think that Benabou’s monograph on bicategories has this term). Maybe terminology as developed in the meantime, though.
Mike Shulman: Well, the uses of “truncation” I’ve seen always involves quotienting by equivalences, rather than discarding them. Discarding them only even makes sense in the strict situation (a bicategory has no underlying 1-category) and is an evil (and not often very useful) thing to do, so it doesn’t seem to me worth giving an important name to. “Poincare category” may also be a name for the same thing, but I prefer “truncation” as more evocative.
Beppe Metere: If I remember well, Benabou introduces two different constructions related to this discussion: the Poincarè category of a bicategory, where the arrows are connected components of 1-cells, and the classifying category, where the arrows are iso classes of 1-cells. Of course, these two categories coincide when the bicategory is locally groupoidal. =–
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