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added to Stiefel-Whitney class briefly the definition/characterization.
Jim: done.
Nice one, Jim.
Sorry for not having added the link earlier. I did have it at characteristic class and Pontryagin class, now I copied it over to Chern class, too.
If you see it missing elsewhere, please just add it. As opposed to Wikipedia, on the nLab you may be non-modest, if only it helps spread useful information.
Yes, the nLab is our lab notebook, and we may wish to make note of where our papers are relevant to material in our notebook.
I have added a few more words (classifying space, ordinary cohomology, orthogonal group).
As there are currently none, I’d like to create own pages for BO(n), BSO(n), BU(n) and BSU(n). (I already wrote the german Wikipedia pages for BO(n) and BU(n) last year.) What title should I use, for example for the page of BO(n)? Simply “BO(n)” (like for example MO), “classifying space of O(n)” or “classifying space of orthogonal group”? (Or is there a particular reason for why most about them is all in classifying space?)
Sounds good.
Sure, BO(n) would work as a title, the other options as redirects.
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