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  1. Hi all,

    I’m reading spectrum and suspension spectrum and I’m very confused.

    In the first page, an Ω-spectrum is defined as a sequence of pointed spaces En indexed by the natural numbers, together with isomorphisms EnΩEn+1. In the second page, given a based space X, its suspension spectrum is defined as the Ω-spectrum E with En=ΣnX. But there is absolutely no reason that ΩΣn+1XΣnX, so this is not an Ω-spectrum.

    Unfortunately, I’m not sure what (and how) this should be changed (I came here to learn what is a spectrum). I’ve seen at several other places a spectrum being defined as a family of spaces together with maps ΣEnEn+1, with Ω-spectra being those spectra where the associated map EnΩEn+1 is an homotopy equivalence (and in this case, it seems that the suspension spectrum of a topological space does exists, but is not an Ω-spectrum).

    Could someone that know more about this stuff clarify the definitions and examples?


    PS : Why does the LaTeX looks much better in the nLab than here?

    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeNov 25th 2011

    You are right, there is a mix-up in terminology. I’ll try to fix it a little later when I have a minute.

    • CommentRowNumber3.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeNov 26th 2011

    The quick answer is that there is a model structure on the spectra defined in terms of maps ΣEnEn+1 (Peter May calls those “prespectra”), for which the Ω-spectra are the fibrant objects. So the Ω-spectra are in some sense the “real” spectra, just as Kan complexes are the “real” -groupoids — if you want to get the “real” suspension spectrum of a space, you have to take a fibrant replacement of the direct construction.

    • CommentRowNumber4.
    • CommentAuthorjim_stasheff
    • CommentTimeNov 26th 2011
    I think the question referred to a linguistic problem, which might be avoided by strict definitions of spectra, Ω-spectra
    and suspension spectra.
  2. I did a few modifications at the two pages to have something that look less wrong and I added what Mike said (thanks!)

    @Jim : it was both :-)