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discovered the following remnant discussion at full functor, which hereby I move from there to here
Mathieu says: I agree that, for functors, there is no reason to say “fully faithful” rather than “full and faithful”. But for arrows in a 2-category (like in the new version of the entry on subcategories), there are reasons. I quote myself (from my thesis): «Remark: we say fully faithful and not full and faithful, because the condition that, for all X:C, C(X,f) be full is not equivalent in Grpd to f being full. Moreover, in Grpd, this condition implies faithfulness. We will define (Definition 197) a notion of full arrow in a Grpd-category which, in Grpd and Symm2Grp (symmetric 2-groups), gives back the ordinary full functors.» Note that this works only for some good groupoid enriched categories, not for Cat, for example.
Mike says: Do you have a reason to care about full functors which are not also faithful? I’ve never seen a very compelling one. (Maybe I should just read your thesis…) I agree that “full morphism” (in the representable sense) is not really a useful/correct concept in a general 2-category, and that therefore “full and faithful” is not entirely appropriate, so I usually use “ff” in that context. I’ve changed the entry above a bit to reflect your comment; is it satisfactory now? Maybe all this should actually go at full and faithful functor (and/or fully faithful functor)?
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