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I have added the Tarski reference to intuitionistic logic and internal logic
What is the “world’s simplest axiom of choice”?
added pointer to:
I am not the first to ask the following, but it deserves asking again: Is there any electronic trace (scan, transcript) of this text?
And: What’s the next-best secondary source? (Review or textbook, from which the content of Heyting’s text could be gleaned?)
Started a section (here) for the “Constructive interpretation of the connectives”, with a scan of the list of “interpretation of logical connectives”
In Bridges’ text this is followed by a pointer to Heyting (1930), though it remains ambiguous whether Bridges means to credit the list of rules (e.g. “to prove A∨B is to prove A or to prove B” etc.) to Heyting, or “just” their further formalization.
If not due to Heyting, I gather the list of these rules must have been formulated by Brouwer previously, or else maybe by Kolmogorov? What’s a truly original reference?
thanks to a private email, I see that an abridged reprint of Heyting (1930) is in:
Have added the pointer here.
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