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Given a Lie group G with Lie algebra π€, one can think of a π€-valued 1-form Ο on a differential manifold M as a connection form on the trivial principal G-bundle GΓMβM. The curvature of Ο is a π€-valued 2-form on M, and Ο is flat precisely when its curvature vanishes. These are in a sense the extreme cases: on the one side the curvature 2-form takes values in the whole of π€, on the other side the curvature takes values in the 0 Lie subalgebra of π€. I was therefore wondering whether given a Lie subalgebra π₯ of π€ there is a meaningful notion of connection form Ο with π₯-constrained curvature, i.e. whose curvature 2-form is π₯-valued. This should be (hopefully) related to the homogeneous space G/H, where H is the Lie subgroup of G corresponding to the Lie algebra π₯.
What you say reminds me a bit of Cartan connections.
Have you read John Baez on torsoroids?
@David: I wasnβt aware of that. Thanks, that really seems something I have to investigate better.
@Urs: Iβll have to look into that, too, thanks. What Iβm after, as you can have imagined, is a Lie algebra valued forms local description of G/H-bundles induced by a G-princiapal bundle which parallels our local description of principal G-bundles in terms of π€-valued differential forms on ΞnΓU which are flat in the simplicial direction. I that can be done, then it would be another step in reproducing Brylinski-McLaughlin construction of differential characteristic classes via maps from ΞnΓU into homogeneous spaces in our Lie algebra integration language.
It is of course possible to consider the sub-simplicial presheaf of exp(π€)conn for which the curvature forms satisfy an extra constraint. But now I am not sure what you have in mind with this. To me the problem weβd have to solve is how to get a resolution of BG by a simplicial object of homology-chains in G/H.
@Urs: what I have in mind is not a subsheaf of exp(π€)conn but a supersheaf: in exp(π€)conn we impose curvature to vanish in the vertical direction, and this is the origin of the topological constrain. Namely, to give a flat π€-connection on Ξn is the same thing as giving a based map from Ξn to G. This means that if we are given a flat π€-connection on βΞn, the obstruction to extending it to a flat π€-connection on Ξn is a topological one: it is an element in Οn(G,e). Yet, assume we weaken our request and ask to extend the flat π€-connection on βΞn to an π₯-curvature constrained connection on Ξn. Maybe this can be done and if we are lucky the obstruction to this is an element in Οn(G/H,[e]). Surely thsi would not solve the issue with Pontryagin classes (since there is still a finite group there whicih is not seen by these Lie theoretic construtions), but this could hopefully handle Chern classes for princiapal U(n)-bundles (the Stiefel manifolds U(n)/U(k) are connected-to-the-point-one-is-interested-in).
@jim: welcome in this discussion: I really hoped you would have joined here
I got an excellent answer from Robert Bryant here
Hi Domenico,
sorry for being silent for so long. I was utterly exhausted after the last two months and needed a good break in the last week, just family, and offline :-) Hope you all had good Christmas holidays.
But now some thoughts.
First: it seems to me that for the construction that we need, the question of how to most suitably parameterize maps into a coset is secondary. The primary problem is to exhibit a useful resolution of BG in terms of homology cycles in cosets, whichever way these are described.
Since we are discussing this out in the open anyway, let me briefly recall for other readers what this is all about, since otherwise this discussion must seem mysterious to everybody else:
the authors constructed what the title announces: Cech cohomology representatives of all classical characteristic classes.
we observed that for degree-4 classes this construction naturally refines to a morphism of smooth higher moduli stacks BGconnβB3U(1)conn from the moduli stack of G-principal connections to that of circle 3-connections.
More generally, for any degree (n+1)-class, this refinement generalizes to a βhigher Chern-Weil homomorphismβ of this form where, however, G is now required to be an n-group that extends the original Lie group.
For instance this way the second Pontryagin class is obtained not as a morphism on the moduli stack of Spin-connections, but on that of String-connections 16Λp2:BStringconnβB7U(1)conn.
Therefore there is the evident
Open question
Can the construction of Brylisnki-MacLaughlin be refined to a morphism of smooth higher moduli stacks BGconnβBnU(1)conn with G a Lie group also for the case of higher characteristic classes?
Or in other words, can we βpush downβ the universal construction of Fiorenza-Schreiber-Stasheff to lower connected covers? For instance, can we find the extension Λp2 in
BStringconn16Λp2βB7U(1)connβββ 6BSpinconnΛp2βB7U(1)conn.??
(We have the corresponding extension on the level of topological universal characteristic maps. The task is here to first refine to smooth higher stacks, and then further to their differential refinement.)
I want to state an attempt to answer this question. But Iβll do so in the next comment.
Hi Domenico,
let me try to play around with a suggestion for how to proceed.
Let G=Spin(n). We need a simplicial presheaf resolution QββGΓβ’=:BGch that supports that BMcL-construction not just for k=1 but also for higher k.
For k=1 we used
Q:=cosk3exp(π°π¬(n))which we may think of as βcosk3Singbased,smooth(G)β, the simplicial complex of smooth simplices in G that are based at the neutral element. The coskeleton construction at some point does away with the singular simplices and fills up everything with unique abstract simplices.
Our task is: replace the blunt coskeleton construction by a construction that instead fills in all higher simplicial spheres by homology chains in the coset Spin(n)/Spin(q).
There is an obvious guess for how to do this:
Let Q be given as follows
a single object;
1-morphisms are smooth based paths in Spin(n);
2-morphisms are smooth based triangles in Spin(n);
3-morphisms are smooth based 3-chains over β in Spin(n)/Spin(q), whose faces have representatives by maps Ξ2βSpin(n);
4-morphisms are smooth based 4-chains over β whose faces are of the above form
and so on until
and then complete by the coskeleton
The evident projection QβBGch should be a weak equivalence, since, by that table on p. 3 of BMcL, the integral homology of the coset space is all torsion in the relevant range, and hence vanishes over the reals.
Finally, Q should have a differential refinement Qconn and the BMcL-construction should extend to a morphism of simplicial presheaves Λpk:QconnβB4kβ1U(1)conn. Iβd hope.
That would be my suggestion. I havenβt fully thought this through. I am saying this in order to indicate in which direction I think we should be pushing.
[edit: after a bit of fiddling, I am not sure if I can make this workβ¦]
Hi Urs,
thanks for this additions and suggestions. Iβm now away for winter holidays and so I will be for other 4-5 days. After that Iβll come back to this. But as you see Iβm giving a glance to whatβs happening on nforum, so if this discussions evolves while Iβm out Iβll nevertheless be able to follow it at least a bit
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