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I went through locale and made some of the language consistent throughout the article. Also I added a new section, Subsidiary notions, to which I intend to add.
I don’t really like the use of “open” and “closed” as nouns, especially because the plural form “closeds” is awkward to say and read. Could we say “open part” or “open sublocale”?
I would say ‘open subspace’ usually, and in fact I started to, but I also wanted to introduce the use of ‘open’ as a noun, and then I sort of just continued with it. Except when introducing the terms, I’ve expanded them back out into a phrase with ‘subspace’. Feel free to introduce and use the phrase with ‘part’ too, if you like it. (Or even ‘sublocale’, although I don’t really like that except as a technical term.)
Thanks! I added a mention of all three terms.
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