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This is a continuation of a thread ending with Mike’s comment here. I tried changing my itex mode (it was set to ’auto’, I think), and of all the options only png showed some semblance of the intended rendering of \preceq and \sslash in the nForum (they showed as they do in my Google Reader, which is say not quite right, but I can read them). But this mode didn’t do the trick when I applied it to the nLab page stabilizer group. (Don’t know if this comment is at all helpful from a diagnostic standpoint.)
Well, the settings in the nForum don’t affect anything on the nLab, I think, which always and only uses MathML. Your experience confirms what I expected, but now we’re at the point where someone more knowledgeable will have to step in.
I have no idea about the cause or solution to this problem. (It works well on my machine, for a change.)
But in any case, since this will affect more people, if this problem persists, we should remove the problematic characters from the entry for the time being, and replace again with the uglier but readable workarounds.
Mike is right, the nForum settings have nothing to do with the nLab (though my plan is to modify the nForum rendering to be more like the nLab’s - once the semester has settled down!).
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