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The internet censorship initiative in american congress. It requires each site monitoring its own links, if the linked site has some copyright material, even not linked one! That is, we link to a legal book on a site which has some illegal book elsewhere on the site, and we can be in trouble. Hot and relevant for all of us.
Wikipedia SOPA_initiative/Learn_more, Stop_Online_Piracy_Act, PROTECT_IP_Act, googleTakeAction.
There are some other bad things recently: Dec 16 bill Issa&Maloney. Notice that it goes well over the standard copyright by not specifying expiration dates etc.
‘To ensure the continued publication’ my eye!
It’s somewhat interesting that the same Issa who is one of the more prominent congressional voices against SOPA/PIPA is the sponsor of this “Research Works Act”. I guess everyone has their particular lobbyist suitors…
I guess that if they pass one of those bills (or something like that) then the first thing we do is move the nLab out of the US (it’s currently hosted with a US-based company).
Yes, and lots of sites will be doing that, including huge ones like Wikipedia. It might be good to get in early!
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