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I have created a stub entry for A. Suslin. Can someone add in the Russian original of his name please, as I do not know if the Wikipedia version is correct?
I made the name Andrei Suslin (beware the cache bug), since that seems to be how he publishes now (witness his faculty page at Northwestern, which hopefully is not too faulty). I also put in several redirects based on the names at Wikipedia. But anything more accurate is still welcome!
?Of interest (perhaps): I will explain why I have been looking at Suslin. I had been looking at the Volodin approach to K-theory and cannot understand the translation of his paper, so I looked at Suslin and Wodzicki. Their construction of a simplicial set from Gl_n(R) is neat… but is the Vietoris complex of a certain covering situation, covering by the upper triangular subgroups. I was wanting to see if Suslin had done that in his earlier paper where he showed the equivalence of Volodin and Quillen K-theory but cannot find a copy online that I can access.
It is interesting that Abels and Holz used the Cech style nerve in studying group presentations and syzygies , Suslin used the Vietoris one based on the same basic model, both have links with Haefliger’s complexes of groups but no one seemed to know of Dowker’s result on homology of relations and they all use spectral sequence methods to get information from the models. Any comments would be welcome, especially if someone can see how a Volodin style definition fits in with the nPOV. It seems, perhaps naively to me that this is nearer the heart of K-theory than some of the other constructions.
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