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This may be of interest to people!
so croeso i gymru, Mike.
PS. If anyone else is there do go to Three Cliffs bay, which is the third picture on the poster. It is quite nearby and is a delightful spot out on the Gower peninsula.
Are there travel grants for this one ? It is a bit coincidental for me – I will be most likely in Swansea from Apr 23 to May 13. And this is ending just 10 days earlier.
I don’t know unless it is on the website, but contact Jeff Giansiracusa (j.h.giansiracusa@swansea.ac.uk) and see if they can do something. The other groups that might be helpful would be
They have some good people there and they are organising:
in Cardiff which is very near.
Diolch, Tim!
What will you be talking on?
http://maths.swan.ac.uk/staff/jhg/minischool2012/index.html for those too lazy to cut and paste.
Thanks David. I always forget to do that!
Here is the other link http://mathsevents.cf.ac.uk/iniwimcs2012/. (Just to show that I can do it!)
@Tim: I’ll be talking about homotopy type theory, of course, but I haven’t done any planning yet (I only found out yesterday that this was actually happening!). I’ll need to spend some amount of time developing the type-theoretic background first, of course. I hope I can get people to the point where they can start playing around with Coq/Agda on their own.
I hope I can get people to the point where they can start playing around with Coq/Agda on their own.
As homotopy type theory in the nlab is concerned there are relatively many external links compared to the material that is actually included in articles - or maybe I just didn’t find it. Yesterday I added a ”related concepts”-section. Maybe one could add an exemplary proof (e.g. Pi_1(S^1)=Z) to get into the jargon a bit.
Stephan, you’re right – there is not much actual material at present, and it’s not a particularly easy area to get into I find. Please feel free to add more!
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