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Created adhesive category.
There was a question back here of whether it would be worth gathering conditions on categories some place.
What’s the rationale behind the choice of term “adhesive”?
@Urs: Beats me. Maybe because pushing out along a monomorphism is like “sticking on” more stuff?
@David C: Yes, we should do that. I linked to the nonexistent exactness property from adhesive category; maybe sometime soon I’ll have a chance to create it or something like it.
at adhesive category I have made explicit that pushouts of monos not only exist but are again monos (which is more or less obvious, depending on which characterization one starts with, but in any case deserves to be highlighted)
Thanks. I added a reference to the paper “Toposes are adhesive” and the fourth definition in terms of “van Kampen squares.”
Under Examples I have added this remark here:
The fact that monomorphisms are stable under pushouts in toposes plays a central role for Cisinski model structures such as notably the standard model structure on simplicial sets, where the monomorphisms are cofibrations and as such required to be closed under pushout (in particular).
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