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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorZhen Lin
    • CommentTimeFeb 9th 2012

    In Cartan and Eilenberg there are several instances of squares which “anticommute”, that is, we have hf=kg instead of hf=kg. I was wondering if we could make this into an instance of a square commuting “up to a specified 2-morphism” and it turned out the answer was yes.

    Let C be a (small) category. We attach to every parallel pair of 1-morphisms f,g:XY the set of all natural transformations α:idCidC such that g=αYf. The vertical composition is obvious, and if we have another parallel pair h,k:YZ and a 2-morphism β:hk, the horizontal composition of α and β is just βα, since kg=(βZh)(αYf)=(βZαZ)(hf), by naturality of α. This yields a (strict) 2-category structure on C. Note that we have to remember which natural transformation is needed to make the triangle commute in order to have a well-defined horizontal composition.

    In the specific case of C=R-Mod, the set (class?) of natural transformations idCidC include the scalar action of R, so in particular the anticommutative squares of Cartan and Eilenberg can be regarded as a square commuting up to a 2-morphism.

    My question now: Is there a name for this construction?

    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeFeb 10th 2012

    That’s cute! I’ve never seen it before, but here’s one way to describe it in more abstract language. Whenever a monoidal or categorical object G acts on an object X, there is a “category of elements”. For instance, if G is a group acting on a set X, the category of elements is the action groupoid XG, whose objects are the elements of X and whose morphisms xy are elements of G such that g(x)=y. If G is a category and X a presheaf of sets (or categories) on G, then you have the usual category of elements, a.k.a. Grothendieck construction.

    I think your construction can be obtained as follows. Given a category C, it is of course acted on by the (strict) monoidal category Aut(C). Now the full subcategory of Aut(C) containing only the object IdC inherits a monoidal structure. This smaller monoidal category could naturally be called BZ(C), since it is the delooping of the center of C. Of course, BZ(C) inherits an action on C, and I think your construction should be the category of elements of this action.

    This is, of course, a (non-full, but wide and locally full) sub-2-category of the category of elements of the action of all of Aut(C) on C. In the latter category, I think the objects would still be those of C, but a morphism from x to y would consist of an automorphism F of C together with a morphism xF(y) in C, and the 2-cells would be natural transformations FG making the evident triangle commute. Obviously if we only allow F=IdC we recover your description above.

    I’m slightly surprised that I’ve never encountered the category of elements of the action of Aut(C) on C before; it seems like such a naturally “universal” construction. Unless I have encountered it and not realized it. Does this look familiar to anyone? I suppose when C is an (n-)groupoid, we get the total space of the universal bundle with fiber C (whose base is BAut(C)).

    • CommentRowNumber3.
    • CommentAuthorMike Shulman
    • CommentTimeFeb 10th 2012

    Err, where by Aut(C) I meant End(C), since your natural transformations aren’t necessarily invertible.