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I am fiddling with an entry table - models for (infinity,1)-operads meant to allow to see 10+ different model categories and their main Quillen equivalences at one glance.
I guess there are better ways to typeset this. (Volunteers please feel free to lend a hand!) But for the time being I’ll settle with what I have so far.
I have been further editing / creating the entries in this table. But not done yet. Will continue tomorrow.
okay, I have been working on expanding and polishing the entries
The main definitions and statements should now all be there. (But no proofs yet.)
I think it would be more clear to have a clean diagram (nodes and arrows, labelled with names) without the table and cell boundaries. With the numerous cell boundaries, including for empty cells, it is too messy to follow, at least to me.
Now there are at least the main definitions in
sure, as I said in the second paragraph of #1…
You are mixing left and right Quillen equivalences in your table. This might be confusing.
True. I could add plenty of additional useful information, but the typesetting is in the way.
Anyone willing to start turning this into a decent hyperlinked SVG table of contents in the spirit of this diagram toc?
If we did this, we could add also a third dimension with various further localizations.
Meanwhile, I am adding a section on 𝒪-monoidal (∞,1)-categories.
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